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A young Chyio sat in the grass as she told the kids of the Shimotsuki village stories.
Either about the village' past or about Chiyos dreams, how she wanted to leave the village and travel the sea and be known.

The kids always listened intensely to her words and sometimes Chiyo would take them to watch the older kids train, like today.

Chiyo always liked to watch them train, especially Kuina and Zoro. Their fighting was always more entertaining to Chiyo. Their competitiveness was something else, it made the fighting more dramatic and Chiyo was there for it.

At the beginning Chiyo just came for Zoro and because of her tiny crush on the boy but she also grew to like watching the fights.

Chiyo never talked to Zoro, she was too shy to do so. So she just always watched from afar and admired him.
Chiyo was sure Zoro didn't even know her name.


Zoro and Kuina fought and Chiyo and the kids that sat around her watched with much interest until Kuina won.

Chiyo was sure that Zoro could beat Kuina some day, but Kuina is the best she had to admit.

Zoro walked away angry and Chiyo watched, she even saw his eyes meeting hers for a second but she probably imagened it.


Zoro lost again and he walked away with angry steps.

He couldn't help but look over at Chiyo for a second.

How embarrassing. He thought.

Zoro always wondered what Chiyo might think of him. Especially after he lost to Kuina.
Did she think he's a loser? Is she internally laughing at him?

Zoro didn't know. He never even exchanged a word with Chiyo, too scared to say something stupid.

He was always happy when Chiyo showed up to his training to watch him win, but he also wished she wouldn't see how he loses against Kuina.

The boy didn't show how much he wanted Chiyo to watch him fight. It always gave him even more motivation to win, to show her he's the best fighter.
Zoro always looked over at her to see her reaction to his wins and it made him smile to see her happy for it. The boy was glad she was always there.

Until she never came anymore.

(An) :

Hi! Welcome to my new book! I hope you'll like it and hope you enjoy reading!!

I'm also sorry because I'm not sure if I'm good at writing fight scenes but I hope you'll know what I mean!

Don't forget to vote and comment, it'd make me very happy!

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