Chapter 4

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Zoro grunted as he still tried to free himself from the ropes.
Meanwhile Chiyo sat in her cage and Nami picked at the lock of hers.

"What?" Zoro asked after he saw Nami glancing at him.

"This is my life now."

"You wanna trade places?" Zoro shot back but Nami didn't answer.

"Shh." Chiyo hushed and looked to the entrance.

"Someone's coming." Zoro also said after listening.

"I need more time. Keep on talking." Nami said.

"I don't talk, I hit things."

Chiyo rolled her eyes and whispered harshly "Then let me talk and you shut your stupid mouth when you're so incapable of talking."

"Hey don't give me that shit. I-" Zoro interrupted himself when a man on a wheel rode past him.

The guy got off and looked directly at Zoro "Remember me?"

"No. Must be some other homicidal, unicycle riding clown." Zoro said and received a punch.

"I've been thinking about you for years." The guy said.

Chiyo made an o shape with her mouth, her forehead creasing "Ohh, sounds like damn romance-"

"Shut up!" The guy yelled before she could finish her sentence and Chiyo pulled her head back like a turtle, a small pout on her lips.

"This has nothing to do with you, girl!" He continued to scream.

"Stay out of this." Zoro also said and Chiyo gave him a look before his attention was on the guy again.

"I've been thinking about how you killed my brother." The guy said to Zoro.

"I killed a lot of pirates." Zoro told him.

"My name is Cabaji and a couple of years ago you hunted us across the Goa kingdom." The man said and pulled two knives from his waistband.
"Followed us for weeks through the swamp lands. Day and night, never relanting like some kind of demon."

Zoro looked at the two girls in the room and the guy caught on to that. He took a few steps back and Zoro decided to talk.

"Still not ringing a bell."

The man then threw one of his knives at Zoro, it landing above his arm as it stuck to the spinning wheel Zoro was tied to.

"You cut off his head and stuffed it in a bag all for a few berry."

Chiyo raised her eyebrows and let out a hum as she looked at Zoro who then gave a sigh "Okay, that does sound like me."

The guy moved directly in front of Zoro again "Let's see if you can keep your head."

The guy let the spinning wheel spin and zoro went with it. He then threw one of his knives at the wheel, going for the next one already, and the next one, and the next one.

"You really don't fear death do you?" the guy asked as zoro stopped spinning.

"No. I just don't fear you." Zoro answered and the guy threw another knife.

"You know I'm gonna enjoy this. As soon as captain buggy is finished with you you're mine." The guy said and stepped closer.

"Tempting as that sounds, I'm not sticking around." Zoro told him.

Chiyo looked over at Nami and saw her still working on her lock.

"Really? Got somewhere else to be?" The man asked zoro.

"Didn't used to think so, but Luffy changed that."

"That simpleton in a straw hat. Don't tell me you actually believe in him?" The guy asked and Chiyo waited expectantly for zoros answer after Nami got herself free and picked on Chiyos lock.

"I don't need to. He believes in himself. It rubs off."

"And one more thing." Zoro continued "Don't turn around."

The guy laughed and turned around right as Nami kicked him back and one of Zoros arms got free, taking a hold of him.

Chiyo went over and cut Zoros other arm free as Zoro send the guy in unconsciousness.

"What's the plan?" Zoro asked as he walked over to where his swords were.

"You do have a plan right? That's your thing. Plans."

"Can't think of a plan on your own?" Chiyo asked and Zoro furrowed his eyebrows at her "Who got you so ticked off?" He asked confused at her sudden snappy behavior.

"I say, we beat the hell out of every clown we see" Nami answered Zoro and the three of them walked out, ignoring what Chiyo said.

They saw Luffy in a tank full of water with Buggy talking to him.
They split off and Nami threw her bo staff at the water tank, causing a split and getting buggys attention.

"Where are my freaks?" The clown yelled when the glass began to break.

"They're not coming." Zoro said and the glass finally broke.
Luffy fell out of the tank and landed on the floor with buggy.

Luffy then choked out the map and the clown looked at it "My map!"

"My hat."

Luffy said and the clown crawled towards the map while Luffy crawled to his hat. The clown laughed when he stood up with the map in his hands and Chiyo, Nami and zoro stepped closer.

"You want a piece of me? Let's see what you got."

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