Chapter 25: Farewell to Restoration

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Chapter 25: Farewell to Restoration

We're not alone
There is more to this, I know
You can make it out
You will live to tell

The map was perfectly hung in the middle of the lab. Azalea would thank Gwendolyn for her help in correctly drawing out the boarders between Night, Dusk, and Day. Now that the true Prythian map was ready they'd all make sure to distribute and print the correct copies.

'All thanks to your research Daph.' She thought.

Nuan and Cedric for all their bickering were at least civil helping her and Lunara with their current project.

"There, I hope this one works as well on Illyrian wings than it did on the butterflies and bats." Lunara said. The Night regent patted Azalea's tummy for the millionth time that day. "Your mama is a great lab partner. Maybe you'll be a curious soul like your parents."

Azalea chuckled. "How was it like? When you had Crimson I mean."

"Fun. She was a kicker but a very sweet baby and I talked to her all the time along with Grim. The coming out part's like a shitting a coconut." She said with a shiver.

Nuan and Cedric winced. "I am so glad I'm asexual." The Dawn engineer said.

"Me too." Cedric muttered.

"Finally something you two can agree on. Now let's go see if this works!"

Ophelia and Asteria were out in the garden with Razan and Lydia. Her aunt had agreed to test this experiment of theirs, as for the last 2 months she'd been letting them apply the substance to her clipped wings. According to Lunara and Azalea's medical expertise the tendons and nerves healed properly and the wings had reacted to touch very well. Today, they would see if flight was possible.

Lydia stood up, trying her long black hair into a bun before presenting her wings to the group. "Hour of truth kiddos. Let's see if it works."

Asteria was ready with her own mismatched wings. "I'll be by your side, and this time if you fall, then I'll catch you."

Lydia smiled. "I know."

Nuan applied the substance while they waited, the wings looked fully healed, and Lydia moved them when they were being touched.

"How does it feel?" Azalea asked.

"Like it did long ago." Lydia said with softness.

Asteria looked just as nervous but waited for the sister's approval.

"I'm ready."

The two shot up into the sky, and to their surprise and joy, Lydia was flying high along with Asteria.

"Don't panic, I'm here. Don't panic."

Lydia nodded, still not processing the fact that she was flying with her once broken raven's wings. "I...I'm doing it! I can fly again! I am healed!"

She hugged Asteria who was also happy crying. The guilt she'd carried for centuries could finally be lifted, as her sister could take flight too. The two made a decent and landed on the garden. Greeted with cheers.

Azalea could see it in her mother's gaze. The fulfillment and joy that she'd always craved by finding her sibling and the hope for the betterment of the land she once called home. "The Night Court will finally progress."


"Thank you! Thank you all!" Lydia said as she hugged the group.

Azalea blinked away tears. Even if her new duties of Lady of Summer and the little life inside her would be occupying most of her time, she wouldn't neglect her research. Daphne herself had once articulated it perfectly.

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