Chapter 8: Uncertaintly Promising

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Chapter 8: Uncertainly Promising

I find it hard to decide
The way to make up your mind
Your lips are better than mine
So you can kiss this goodbye

For her second test Azalea expected a physical challenge or maybe another written test, she was not expecting to be greeted by the princess and taken on a shopping spree.

Cresseida's beautiful curls were moved by the summer breeze as the two walked toward their next destination. She looked effortlessly beautiful and carried herself with such ease and grace that Azalea was in awe. It was both admiration and a desire to be that way once she became the lady of Summer.

'There's time to think about that later. Now what do I get for Ness?' She thought as she carried her bags.

Azalea had picked presents for everyone. Summer dresses for her mothers, a new sword for Tamarand, a book series for Lucien, a flute for Tamlin, and jewelry for Clare. She was torn on what to get for Nesta. 'She's not a jewelry lover, and after all that forced training, she might not want weapons...A book! No, she's still going through the library at home. A dress? She does want to travel...Ugh! I should just kidnap Eris and wrap him in a bow for her. That's something I'm sure she'd like!"


"Sorry, I was thinking! What do you need, Cresseida?"

"I just asked, were you involved with anyone before my cousin."

"Ah, you'd have to specify, do you mean romantically or sexually?"

Cresseida seemed surprised the question didn't bother her. "Both if you're willing to indulge me."

"Sexually I've had 6 partners, three men and three women. I have nothing against casual sex but all the partners I've had were people I trusted. I feel such an act is very vulnerable and I only wish to engage if it's someone I both fancy and trust.

Out of those 6 partners I have been romantically involved with two. The first one was my first love. We were childhood friends and he was of a higher standing than me. Still, we connected and became a couple as teens. Sadly his family arranged a marriage for him with a Day Court countess and while we didn't wish to part he was as attached to his family as me. I knew that my love wouldn't be enough to make up for the possible rejection of his family. So we parted amicably. We remained friends and occasionally wrote to each other. The last he's told me is that his dear wife is with child and I requested a mini portrait of the baby. He's quite happy and I am certain he's been a wonderful husband and shall be an even better father.

My second and most recent relationship..." She had to pause as pretty hazel eyes crossed her mind along with a mischievous smile she hadn't seen in two years.

"You don't need to tell me if you don't wish to. Seems like it still pains you."

"Yes, but it's healing to speak of it. In any case, this was a somewhat recent experience. We were together for a couple of years, and I was certain we'd get married and start a family. Our social standing was equal and her family was close to mine as well. We should've made it. We didn't...

I breached the subject of marriage to her. As far as I could see she wasn't interested in such a union. Children too were also a point of contention. She wanted none while I've always craved a big family. In the end, we fell apart shortly before the war began. She wanted us to run away and take to the sea, apparently, this was a dream of hers for years. I refused, not wanting to leave my family and court behind. She was not happy with that answer and wouldn't be swayed from this. I cried myself to sleep the night she vanished. Since then I know nothing of her, but her family perished during the war. I'm unaware if she's informed or if she would care to be told. Last I heard, she became a Corsair. I do hope her dream serves her well and that she's safe."

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