Chapter 2: Everything's gone but the pain carries on

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The past is just lessons learned

Light it up and let it burn

Chapter 2: Everything's gone but the pain carries on

A lifetime ago Tamlin would've found it utter bliss to wake up like this, tangled in Lucien's arms while the morning sun began to shine down upon them.

He still found some joy in said moment, but unlike his naive youthful self, he now knew there was no hope of turning such bliss into his everyday. Lucien deserved much better.

Tamlin felt somewhat more settled into his new routine. Long warm baths had become a thing of the past when left to his own devices, but given that he had guests now it was required of him to keep himself presentable.

Stepping into the sun still bothered him, but at least he wasn't doing it to keep Rhysand and his lackeys away. The lack of boundaries of the Night Court was beginning to irk him.

Once the sun rays no longer blinded him, Tamlin could see that the once withered yard had a much better aspect. Already the land was adapting to the change of High Lord, showing how much more stable its new master was.

'Good. This one is worthy of carrying the crown.'

Tamarand was waiting for him at the chosen garden. His brother was excitedly waving at him and waging his tail, ready to being his training.

"Good morning Tamlin! Did you rest well?"

"Yes, for the most part. You?"

"I did! I think I might've snored but can't really say."

"Well, I'm glad you're properly rested. Because if there is one thing I can guarantee you is that High Lord magic can be quite taxing."

"I'm ready to try!" Tamarand reaffirmed.

Tamlin chuckled. "Very well then, today we'll be testing the waters. I want you to make this small garden bloom again. If you're able to do so, we can start from the Rosehall gardens and then make the rest of the court bloom.

I wish to ease you into it though, this can be very taxing regardless of your good health. Should it go well we can proceed with Azalea's plan."

"Gotcha, so to heal the plants, do I use a healing spell or one of botany?"

"Healing, when you're a High Lord your land becomes an extension of your family, thus you heal it like you would a family member.

Your newfound powers will feel unstable upon first use. That is normal, you should just proceed as you've done before and eventually, the shift in power levels won't be noticeable. Just put your magic into the task at hand. Concentrate on that."

Tamarand nodded, doing exactly as he was told. Tamlin proudly looked at him as his hands began to glow green. The flowers in front of them were slowly blooming again, even trees and shrubs outside of the designated area bloomed again.

Tamlin's lips curled into a smile. He miscalculated how strong a Spring High Lord was at full power. When Tamarand opened his eyes he was panting but looked proud of his work. "I did that?" He asked in between ragged breaths.

"You certainly did, and better than expected!"

"I'm glad."

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little light-headed."

He guided his brother to a nearby bench and let him sit down. "Let's wait until you're rested. Any pain or sting?"

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