18. Plans set.

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     We plan and Allah plans and His plan is the best.

Sultana Nafisah sat in the long divan reclining on a pillow as her Khol-rimmed eyes stared at her son who walked into the room. The Sultana was in her late forties but her beauty was still grand. She was dressed in a dark blue gown with golden embroideries with a golden turban and veil, looking as noble as ever with her strict and majestic gaze.

"Assalamu alaikum Sultana Umi," Jaasir greeted bowing his head.

"Wa alaikumussalam Amir Jaasir," she returned in a firm voice. "You move around like the wind and I barely see you but it seems, only I think so because the whole palace doesn't think so,"

"Forgive me Umi. I got caught up with a task that's why," Jaasir said apologetically as he moved closer and sat on the rug before her.

Sultana Nafisah sat up straight and stared at him seriously. "Oh really?" she smirked. "You know, I have been hearing some rumors going around this past few days. It says that Amir Jaasir brought a woman into the palace and hid her in Amira Arwa's chambers. No one knows of their relationship as he visited there quite often. And then this morning, they went out into the capital in the same carriage. Also, a certain girl is missing from the women rescued from the brothel and the reports say that the girl has golden eyes which also fits the description of the girl that Amir Jaasir went out with,"

Jaasir was quiet as he listened to what his mother said. He expected such a report but hearing it sounded so different.

Sultanah Nafisah gave him a condensing look and asked slowly. "These are reports I heard Amir Jaasir but I want to hear them from you and I hope that it's not true,"

"It's true," Jaasir said truthfully and her eyes darkened. She chucked shortly and hummed. "I want to know what exactly is going on Jaasir. Do you care to explain?"

Jaasir sighed and told her his plan to solve the case with the brothel.

"You can do all that Amir Jaasir but you don't have to keep a woman with you. Am I right?" the Sultana argued.

"Like I said Umi, if I had exposed her soon, the culprit would know that I am aware of the two cases' connection and her life would be in danger," he stated. "But it couldn't be hidden anymore and just now, we got attacked inside the capital. Do you understand how sly and dangerous the enemy is?"

"You got attacked?" The Sultana narrowed her eyes. "Do you also understand how dangerous it is for you to get involved like this without taking measures,"

"We serve the empire Umi and getting injured for them is inevitable," he tried to explain but she raised her palm and clasped her fingers.

"Listen to me Amir Jaasir," she began seriously. "I don't want any situation to shake your position ever because of your negligence. The Sultan has been biased to you all these years and we don't know what he is still planning. You are his eldest prince Jaasir but instead of announcing you as his crown prince all this while, he didn't do it and is allowing his other sons to compete with you. For all these years, you've shown him your worth but he is still holding back. And then you are holding back which is unacceptable. Last time during that war you even traded your life for it and spent two months in bed but the Sultan did not consider that. After going on a dangerous mission to Sehla where you almost got caught up in a war and came back, he allowed you to ask for a favor but instead of asking for something reasonable, you wanted to head an investigation that can endanger your life again. So many times, I wonder what's wrong with your head,"

Jaasir could sense his mother's anger and most of what she said was right but sometimes he didn't show much care about it.

"Don't tell me that you don't care about the throne Amir Jaasir," the Sultana said lowly.

"I won't do that In Sha Allah," he said seriously.

"Well that's good," a smile formed on her face. "Then I hope that you step up your game and be more serious with this. I don't have much opposition with you solving this case but you had better watch your back while at it. Have you never wondered why the Sultan is delaying your status all these years?" she inquired and huffed to calm her anger. "Always watch the men you call your brothers. Marwan is steadfast and secretive while Aman is sly and cunning but he is more sensible than you both. He gets support from other officials, especially with his marriage but you just sit there and do nothing,"

"Loyalty is gained through trust Umi," Jaasir began but she just hissed. "Never forget that you are dealing with politics too Amir. Since you claim that you have trust in some official's heart, why don't you rope them into your support,"

"In Sha Allah Umi," Jaasir nodded.

The Sultana hummed approvingly and added the most important thing. "And concerning that girl, it's better if you send her somewhere else and stop being that close to her because I hope it's not what I am thinking,"

Jaasir raised his head and saw how serious his mother's eyes were. He knew how ruthless she could be sometimes and he dreaded what she might do.

"Oh Jaasir. If what I am speculating is true, it's going to be your biggest scandal and I will be forced to act. I will give you the benefit of the doubt Jaasir. So be a good son," she said softly and reclined in the diva. "You seem in a hurry, so you can go," she waved her hand.

Jaasir nodded and stood up. "Salam," he greeted before walking out. He stood outside the palace and breathed with his eyes closed. When he opened them, they were more determined than ever. He mounted Nader and galloped out of the palace. First things first.

Jaasir covered his face as he rushed to the hill. This hill was in the eastern part of the capital and behind it was a lake with vendors and a few houses where fishermen and some businessmen stayed. The brothel they found was at the central capital, so Jaasir's speculation was; that moving women over there would be hard with the patrol going on in the central region, so they used the eastern part for their secrecy and there must be some lane that connected both part to make it easier to move.

Jaasir arrived beside the hill where the 28 soldiers were waiting with Faiz. They all had different auras, ranging from fierceness to calmness but one thing was common, the respect in their eyes when they saw the Amir.

Jaasir dismounted Nader and Faiz walked toward him. He nodded at him and approached the soldiers. He stared at them with a calculating look. Even with their small number, it seemed it was time to show how one can be effective. He knew eyes were watching him right now but they would be mistaken if they thought that they could predict his every move.

He faced them and started giving to others. "The six of you will go down that hill to the residence there and find the location that connects it to the capital. At the moment, everybody there is a suspect. There is no way our enemy will do his work there without a helper, so investigate everybody,"  These groups will blend into the crowd and even if their entrance was seen, spotting them will be heard because these men were adapted to hide their appearance.

"You six will trace those assassins. The reports on such cases have been given to you, so I want you to take your time and find where exactly they are coming from." These groups were fast and sly and dispersed all around the capital.

Jaasir kept giving them orders according to their merits. After this, we will see who will have the last laugh. His enemy made a move first while he will bide his time and make them regret it. He has plans set up that the person will lose their fangs before they know it. The soldiers moved and only five remained with him and Faiz.

"Let's check down this hill and see if we can find any clue of the girl's disappearance," he told them. Najwa's disappearance was a mystery. She wasn't taken to the brothel which probably means that she wasn't taken by the enemy but where was she? Was she saved by someone and still in the capital?

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