17. Assasins.

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       I feel pain without a cut, then my love must be hurt.💝


Inside the capital of the empire, an Amir is being attacked. Even if their target was Yasmine, it still startled Jaasir. This wasn't the time to think as the assassins had lunged toward them. They were ten and surrounded the four immediately.

"Protect the women Faiz!" Jaasir ordered as he clashed with the enemies's swords. Assassins had one job and that was to kill their target. This person who sent them wouldn't dare kill Jaasir because the death of a prince would be disastrous but that didn't mean that they wouldn't hurt him. They would try to end their target quickly and leave because staying for long would alert the guards around.

Yasmine was surprised by the event. They should have expected it right? The culprit was trying to silence her so that their secrets wouldn't get out. If she was killed and Jaasir had no witness to back his investigation, then it would be harder to get to the bottom of everything. The path was narrow and was harder for them to navigate. Jaasir and Faiz were skillfully stopping the assassins and no blade had come near her or Sana who was frightened to the bone.

The assassins were flitting to and fro and it got more dangerous with each attempt. Yasmine knew that she couldn't watch someone get injured because these men were aiming for Sana too. She took her short swords out and pushed the box into Sana's hands.

Coincidentally, one of the assassins attacked from above her and she quickly crossed her swords intercepting it. Fighting such seasoned fighters was impossible for Yasmine and she was glad that Jaasir and Faiz were here or she would have been long dead. The assains finally saw an opening and almost stroked her if not for Jasir throwing his arm over which hurt his arm. Since blood was drawn out, the assassins got more serious. Jaasir signalled to Faiz and they started attacking too. He swiped his sword pushing three of them back, only for another to kick a stone and thrust toward him. Jassir scoffed and flitted over slashing the man's chest before he attacked. He turned back sharply and two more were heading straight to the women.
He reached out for a small dagger on his wait and threw it at the frontmost assassin while he kicked the other. What he didn't realize quickly was the small arrow that the assassin threw. His eyes widened in fright but luckily, a dagger flew by and struck the arrow.

They heard the neigh of a horse and Marwan rode over in a black thobe and jacket. He pulled his sword out and rushed toward the fray. After that mistake, Jaasir didn't hold back anymore. The assassin saw that their chances were over and started retreating, only four did though. Jaasir stopped Faiz from going after them because it was dangerous and futile. He turned around to check on Yasmine and she was already walking up to him, staring at his wound in particular.

"Handkerchief?" she stretched her palm without looking up. He reached out into his belt and pulled the white cloth out. She collected it and carefully tied it around his arm. "I'm sorry," she raised her head and apologized lowly. This attack was because of her and she got him involved.

"Don't be," Jaasir smiled faintly when they heard footsteps approaching them.
"Thank you Marwan," Jaasir tipped his head.

Yasmine turned around to meet Marwan and his appearance stunned her. His eyes were dark and cold, unlike Jaasir's bright ones. If Jaasir was as bright as the sun then Amir Marwan was as dark as the night. He glanced briefly at her before standing before his brother. These two were opposites. She took steps back to console Sana while the brothers spoke.

"Amir Jaasir is attacked in the capital. What a great news," Marwan smirked. "You and Faiz couldn't eliminate ten men in a short time, which means that they must be  skilled killers,"

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