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Assalamu alaikum adorables. It's ASDadore again with a new book. This one is a historical Muslim fiction. Its setting is in the post-golden age era of Islam. The characters are Muslims and I did my best to portray that and any mistakes are not intentional. I am still learning more about the deen.

Golden Jasmine is not your normal royal marriage story and the characters will be met with many trials In Sha Allah, we will see how they fight them. Each character is unique and might change as more chapters are added. Life changes us.

All characters are a work of fiction and the idea is original, so any resemblance elsewhere is just a coincidence. There might be some mistakes but it won't be glaring In Sha Allah.

All pictures used belong to their  rightful owners a

The updates depend on my status. It will be normal like my other and I will try my best to update it together with Stand by Me and the Princess of Bloom. But when school resumes, I can't say how fast the book will move but before then, we will get somewhere bi idhnillah.

It's gonna have courage, love, secrets, tears, betrayal, laughter, and bond among others and you will enjoy it.

Let's join the Jasmine couple; Jaasir and Yasmine in...Golden Jasmine: the Ameer's concubine.


Sometimes, ignorance is bliss. What is hidden from you might hurt you. Humans are like flowers. Beautiful now but wither with time. Eventually, every servant will return to the soil. Some are bright and beautiful while others are filled with thorns behind that beauty. The love of one's parents is true love.

Silence is not an answer. Sometimes, you need to speak. The heart, the brain, and the mind work together. To achieve the aim in this dunya, you need to work with all three. Duty to the ummah is the duty to the throne. Love is a dagger that pierces the heart but it also mends it.

Love the sunshine and the sunshine will love you. That's how Allah created it, to melt down our sorrows and desires. Sometimes, a smile is what is needed to calm a storm.

When the lake is calm, don't throw a stone in it because it can cause a ripple. A ripple can cause a storm. The nights are peaceful because even the sword gets swallowed in the darkness.

I wish I was a butterfly so I could flutter my wings and be free. I wish I was still a baby, free from this world's filth. When you don't find love, it will find you. It haunts you. Finding freedom is peace. But what is freedom?

Dawn and twilight are indications that the Lord gave us another chance to clear the debts. The debts that hang on our necks and need other necks to be paid. Behind all silence is a storm.

Beauty is in dignity and respect. An arrow can pierce a heart and break the bond from the world. The tongue is faster and sharper than an arrow. It breaks all bonds beyond repair. Sometimes, silence is a key.


"Evil can not be stopped permanently because the dunya works that way. Evil and good coexist. I can't stop all the evil men in this world but I have stopped the one before me. I tried my best, I fought, I lost, I almost lost everything, I was hurt, but Allah kept me going. I don't want to leave after everything but…"

The clouds were still dark, with rumbling sounds of thunder and soft drizzle from the heavy rain. The blood on the dark platform was washed off by the rain. The grounds that were earlier surrounded was soldiers were now deserted with only two figures on the platform.

She held his bloodied figure closely in her arms as her slender fingers gently brushed his wet hair. Her fingers traced his face, her expression stoic and tired but dried tears still stained her beautiful face.

"You had everything anyone could ask for but they never mattered to you. You got hurt but you kept pushing on. You were betrayed by those closest to you, you lost your allies but you never gave up. Your love knows no bounds. You are a fighter, a leader, and the best. You were always so close, yet so far.

"The fight is over now my Ameer. I promise that I am not leaving anymore, so you can't leave too. I am tired of running away from you because I realized, where you are is my abode. I am willing to face all that life brings to us and together.

"You promised to love me. You promised to hold me. You promised to be with me. Can you promise me now that you will still hold on to me tightly?"

Her voice was soft and melancholic, only for her beloved. She sniffed placed her forehead on his and crossed their fingers. She wished she could feel his fingers move and grasp her tightly like he used to. She is sure that he is still alive because their hearts beat in rhythm. She can still hear those faint beats that gave her hope.

Below the platform stood the brave soldier with his head lowered and right hand tightly clutching his sword.

"Sayyidati, you need to take charge and settle the aftermath. We can't let the Ameer's sacrifice go in vain," he said.

She stayed silent for a while before uttering, "It's Sultan for you, and as the Sultan, he will wake up and take charge of his kingdom,"

"Sayyidati…" the soldier insisted. "What about the enemies?"

She raised her head and her cold eyes gazed back at him and he quickly lowered his head again.
"Take those who surrender to the barracks and as for those who refuse, take them to the dungeon. We will execute them according to the law," she ordered.

"Na'am Sayyidati!" the soldier acknowledged and marched away.

She turned back to him and smiled. A smile that shone like the sun even under the gloomy weather.
"Wake up now my Ameer. Everyone needs you. I need you," she whispered.

In the power struggle, two hearts fight as one, going against all ordeals. As always, Love always conquers.

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