Chapter 14: Recovery begins?

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Wilbur POV:

When Wilbur woke, he let himself stay there for a while, unmoving, trying to work out how to function. He needed to train, that much he knew. He refused to let any of this get in between his team and their gold medal.

With a sigh that turned into a yawn halfway through, he pulled himself up and found his way to the door. When he opened it, Techno looked up from the curled up ball he had been. Techno hadn't left. But it wasn't just that, his eyes looked puffy and red, and his face looked more dead than it had after any of his many sleepless nights.

"What happened?"

"Nothing, Techno replied instantly, standing up quickly, "Are you ok? What can I do to help?"

"Tech, be honest with me, what happened?"

"Anwir and Hunter showed up, I sent them away."

"And what else?" Wilbur pressed, noting the way Techno's eyes flicked away just as he always did when he purposefully left out something important.

"Anwir kissed me, but it's fine, it's nothing, I punched him in the gut for it, so I'd say that's fair payback."

"Techno..." Wilbur sighed, leaning against his brother, "I didn't mean to drag you into all this, I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault Wil. It's not."

Wilbur didn't bother to answer, knowing that Techno was probably right but not wanting to give him that, not wanting to say it if he wasn't right. It felt too easy. So, instead he asked a different question.

"Is the pool free? I should get some practise in."

"Yeah, some of the others are training right now, do you want to stretch first?"

Wilbur nodded and Techno collected his bag from his room before walking with Wilbur towards the other man's room.

Wilbur went to open the door, but as he moved forward the door flung open, revealing a panting and frazzled looking Tommy who's eyes were wide as he glanced between them, before shaking it off.

"I have to go to training, I'll see you later," he said, practically running from the room.

Wilbur awkwardly stepped inside afterwards, looking after Tommy with a confused feeling. Something was off, but he didn't know what.

He looked back to see Tommy's phone lying on his bed still, and called after the boy to let him know, but he was already too far away. The kid may as well be a sprinter with how fast he ran.

Wilbur shrugged to himself and dropped the phone back on the bed, trying to ignore the way it wouldn't stop vibrating with an abnormal number of notifications. It wasn't his place to know. He should just grab his bag and go- but he never did what he was supposed to did he?

Wilbur flipped the phone over, revealing a stream of messages from two people, both fuming.

The contact names flipping across the screen were simply "Mother" and "Coach", but the words, they were harsh to say the least. You would expect something encouraging from the mother of an Olympian, but instead she was yelling at Tommy for being a few minutes late, and the coach was hitting Tommy with insults that would have broken Wilbur if they were directed at him.

Wilbur's hand covered his mouth, muffling a chocked sob as he stared at the phone, still vibrating constantly with an inflow of berating texts.

That was far from normal. There was something monstrous there.

Techno seemed to notice Wilbur's shaky domineer as he moved to read the texts over Wilbur's shoulders.

"Photos, photos," Wilbur mumbled, moving his hand in a vague gesture towards the phone. Well, Techno had just been talking about needing more evidence. It was for a different case, but still. Whatever happened, Wilbur wasn't leaving these Olympics without the certainty that Tommy was ok. It didn't matter what happened to him, as long as the kid got to be a kid. Not just a tool to get a gold medal.

The barrage of texts from the coach finally stopped, and it was clear Tommy had arrived. Wilbur moved away from the phone, grabbing his gym bag and trying not to think about the way Anwir and Hunter had used it to corner him.

"What's up Wil?" Techno asked, noticing the pained way Wilbur stared at the offending bag.

"They'll trap me again Tech... I'll be stuck and I won't be able to get out and I'll be trapped, I can't- I can't- not again... please Techno, not again."

"I'll protect you Wil, I promise. I will stay with you, and if they so much as enter the same room we can leave, ok? If they harass you they will deal with me."

"But... I don't want them to hurt you Tech..."

"Wil, mate, I can look after myself, and I can certainly take those two. We'll be ok, I promise."

"Will Coach Puffy be there?"

"Yeah, I think she's there right now."

"She'll watch my stuff right?"

"Yeah. And you know how scary Captain Puffy can be when she's being protective."

"Terrifying," Wilbur agreed with a forced laugh. It was true, if anyone got hurt and tried to ignore it, they would face Puffy's rage. If another team was rude, Puffy would not stand for it. She was patient and gentle most the time, but if someone was hurting her team, she would protect them like her life depended on it.

Wilbur grabbed the gym bag and walked with Techno to the pool, smiling when he saw the rest of the team swimming. It wasn't the organised training sessions of their normal, but it was all of them. Sally was swimming laps, intermittently doing 50 meter unders, while Puffy watched Aimsey and Niki practise their Tech Duet. Ranboo, Tubbo, and Fundy seemed to be playing some version of chasey/tag/it, and Eret was sitting on the side of the pool yelling warnings when the it person got close and laughing at the chaos of the game.

Words: 1000

A/N: sorry for the slow updates, but enjoy another chapter wooo next one will probably be some fluff yay

(Btw an Under is swimming breaststroke at the bottom of the pull without breathing for as long as possible, or to the appointed end, so in this example to the 50 meter mark.)

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