Chapter 13: Evidence

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Techno POV:

Techno barely held back tears when Phil's heart-wrenched words replied to his question about what evidence they had gotten.

"I tried, but the camera was facing down and I couldn't get it to swap and then the sound, maybe we can get something from it but I couldn't even hear it enough to hear what they said, are you ok? What happened?"

"They just... I'm sorry, can I call you back?" Techno asked, and Phil's face softened.

"Of course, I'll be here waiting when you are ready kid, don't shut us out though."

"I won't," Techno murmured, before hitting the end call button and slumping forward, his head resting in his knees. All for nothing. Techno couldn't stand this. It had all been for nothing. He felt violated and used and so wrong and it had been for nothing. He couldn't imagine how Wil felt, when he had suffered so much more then Techno had.

Techno dragged himself up to standing, more out of principle then anything else, and sent a message to an old friend.

Techno: I need to take some people down, they hurt Wil, you interested?

Skeppy: you got evidence?

Techno: That's the problem. They are smart. I've only got word of mouth.

Skeppy: are we talking Olympians?

Techno: Yes. Two synchronised swimmers.

Skeppy: then we have a problem
Skeppy: your word against your competitors means very little
Skeppy: i have some influence but i cant publish that story
Skeppy: not without evidence
Skeppy: im sorry

Techno: I'll see what I can do about evidence.

Skeppy: as soon as you have something lmk
Skeppy: i trust you but the editors will have too many doubts

Techno: I'll be in touch soon.

Damn. He had known it might not be enough, sometimes it was, sometimes it wasn't. If it were another competitor, someone who's stakes were less invested, maybe it would mean more. It being him, actively competitive against Anwir. It was too much of a benefit to him to eliminate another team.

Still, Skeppy was open to it as soon as there was evidence. Techno could find a way. It seemed Hunter and Anwir couldn't keep their hands to themselves. They would betray themselves soon enough.

Of course, with more evidence they could go to the police, not just the media.

Techno sighed to himself, wishing he could do more, and knowing he was doing his absolute best. For now he just had to wait, wait for Wil to wake up, wait for a plan to be set in motion, and maybe just wait for the Olympics to be over. As long as they won. If Anwir's team beat them, all this would look like revenge. Techno supposed that was even more reason to be perfect.

He sighed and sent a message to Eret, before turning his phone off and leaning his head against the door, letting his mind wander instead of thinking about all of this.


Eret pov:

Eret's phone buzzed, and he checked it instantly, aware that any new messages could also be new information.

Techno: Anwir and Hunter showed up. They were looking for Wilbur, but settled for me. I fended them off, and have talked to Skeppy. We need evidence if we want to bring them down.

Eret sighed, his discoveries of Wilbur's old team being here was clearly the correct lead. He looked over to Tommy, who was on a call with his coach- unfortunately not taking Eret's advice, and instead allowing the coach to yell at him. Eret didn't know what they were supposed to do.

How could they fix this? How did anyone get evidence for that cruelty? And who would be willing to subject themselves to it again just for some evidence. Why couldn't their words mean anything? Why couldn't people just believe they weren't making this shit up? Who would say any of this just for attention? No one. So why was that an actual argument anyone made!?

Eret wanted to sob as he thought about his team, Wilbur and Techno both deeply uncomfortable, Sally likely hurt from all that had happened, Aimsey probably fuming at themself for snapping at Wil, Tubbo probably blaming himself because the kid had a wierd habit of doing that, and Tommy standing in the corner trying to subdue a coach who was furious at him for what? Not being at the man's beck and call?

This whole Olympic thing was a mess. Not a single part of it had gone how she had expected.

Eventually Tommy hung up the phone and looked over at Eret despondently.

"I have to go stretch, please let me know if you find anything out."

"Wait," Eret said, stopping Tommy for a moment to show him the message he had gotten from Techno, "That's the last update I got, Wilbur is doing ok, he's sleeping now which is good, he'll need it."

"Look after him," Tommy sighed, before slipping out the door, headed towards an angry coach and likely a lecture.

Eret watched Tommy go before collapsing on his bed, trying not to worry too much about all of it, and effectively failing at that job when it was all he could think about.

How the hell would they get evidence? Was it worth just waiting until the Olympics were over? Did Wilbur even want to report them? Should they be reported regardless of what Wilbur wanted? How did anyone manage this? It was so fucking much.

Of course Eret couldn't just stress about the olympics. No, that was too simple. Instead everything had to go haywire and the past had to become the present again.

It was all too much. His whole team was likely in shambles and Eret couldn't force up the energy to try to fix that just yet. He didn't even know where he would begin with that.

Honestly, Eret just wanted to sleep so badly. It wasn't that she hadn't slept well, she had, but now she was exhausted mentally more then anything.

Words: 1000

Happy (slightly) early bday gift to my sister!!!! Everyone pls wish her a happy birthday and to my sister, well, better early then late ig? XDD I hope u all enjoyed!

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