Chapter 3 - "Princess"

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TW: Sexual assault, rape, non consensual, abuse, emotional manipulation

A/N: please PLEASE read with care. Honestly idek if I wuld always feel comfortable reading this, so if your not, I do NOT blame you, the majority of the fic will not be like this, and I was not actually planing any of this originally, so it is understandable if you want to stop reading, or just skip to the next chapter where it goes mostly back to normal levels of angst

Wilbur POV:

"Is that Wilbur the wimp Soot?" A voice called out.

"No, no, no, I think that's Wilbur the rambling fool Soot," The other snarked in response.

"Or wait, maybe it's Wilbur the wonky spin Soot," The first one suggested, snickeringloudly to himself.

Anwir and Hunter. Of course they, of all people, had to have made it to the same Olympics as him.

"So Princess, you training out here alone today?" Anwir asked, making Wilbur flinch at the nickname.

Princess, a fist to the face. Princess, a intentionally failed lift. Princess, a suggestion of affection. Princess, a foot to the stomach, passed off as an "accident". Princess, a lover's nickname. Princess, a threat. Princess, a punishment. Princess, a warning. Princess, a tear. Princess.

"He needs all the extra work he can get," Hunter snickered, slipping comfortably back into his role of making sure Wilbur's life was shit.

Wilbur pushed himself underwater, trying hard not to sob, to calm himself somewhat, before returning to the surface, removing his noseclip, and swimming quickly to the edge where is gym bag sat in the hopes of a swift escape.

Only, by the time he had made it to the edge-having been in the middle of the pool prior- Hunter and Anwir had found there way in between him and his gym bag.

Anwir was offering Wilbur a hand the way his team always did, and instinctively he took it. Of course, it wasn't that simple, because Anwir was not his team. Anwir gripped his hand hard, not letting go, but not helping him up and Hunter backhanded Wilbur, causing pain to spike across his cheek.

Wilbur wanted so much to sink into the water, out of view, far, far away, but Anwir just pulled him closer, eyes all too close to Wilbur's own.

Anwir's free hand moved to Wilbur's cheek, and instantly the man was flinching away, which resulted in a low growl from Anwir, and Hunter gripping his chin, holding his head still.

"Princess..." Anwir sighed, his free hand continuing, softly following the lines of Wilbur's face, his thumb rubbing gently over the pain Hunter had caused.

"Please-" Wil choked, desperate to get away, to leave, but of course, Anwir didn't understand, or purposefully misunderstood, which option, Wilbur wasn't quite sure.

"Of course Princess, I forgive you," Anwir smiled, leaning ever so slightly closer and pressing his lips against Wilbur's own. Wilbur wanted to turn away, to flinch or run or escape, but Hunter's steady hand held him there and so Wilbur choked on the kiss, unable to stop it.

He tried desperately to make it stop, opening his mouth to plead for them to leave him alone, but Anwir took that only as an invitation, his tounge slipping into Wilbur's mouth, making the man want to throw up or choke or die. He felt the foreign tongue as it moved around his mouth, claiming him, knowing him. It flicked against his gritted teeth, edging around them, trying to enter deeper past them. When Wilbur didn't let him, Anwir's hand moved to the back of his neck, pulling Wilbur closer and pinching it hard enough for Wilbur to hiss out a gasp. That was enough, the tongue now tasting the roof of his mouth, circling his own tongue.

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