Chapter 6 - The Show Must Go On

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Techno POV:

There was a major part of Techno that wished he could call the Olympics off and protect Wilbur from prying eyes. Wil was his brother, and he was breaking, and all Techno could do was hold him and promise it would be ok. He hoped like hell that the rest of his team were gathering information to help protect Wil, but he had to admit he was concerned for what they would do without him there.

None of his team were ones to back down from a fight. Not if it was one to defend their friend. Plus, the water polo team that had trained in the same pool as them back in L'manburg was here as well. They all liked Wilbur, and were known even more for starting- and finishing- fights. Techno had his work cut out for him to make sure none of them got kicked out of the Olympics before the Games started.

First though, Techno had to help Wilbur, who would not be in a position to wear bathers comfortably right now. Not considering his large hoodie hiding everything. But it was the Olympics, and they did have to swim.

"Come Wil, let's go back to my room and see what we can do about covering those up, yeah? I have some waterproof foundation," Techno said, careful as he spoke, making sure Wilbur understood, that he wasn't scared. Wilbur was fragile right now, and Techno knew how much he had to protect the boy. He wouldn't let anyone else hurt Wil. Not if he could help it.

So, when Wilbur hesitantly agreed, Techno led him away, carefully scanning the corridors, trying to avoid busier ones. He closed the door behind him and locked it, making sure Wilbur knew he was able to unlock it if he wanted to leave. Wilbur was not trapped. He had to know that.

Techno scavenger through his bag, regretting packing the waterproof makeup at the back. He hasn't expected to need it before routine day, but still, it really should've been more accessible.

"Do you want help, or to put it on yourself?" Techno asked, holding the foundation out to Wilbur. He knew his brother was sensitive to touch when his anxiety got the best of him, and this... this was worse then normal.

"Myself," Wilbur mumbled, Techno barely managed to make out the words, but he did, and he passed it to his brother, pointing out the bathroom. Wilbur swiftly moved there, door locked behind him. Techno couldn't blame him. Not for any of this. What he could do however, was message their coaches.

Techno: can we avoid lifts and and physical contact at training today?

Coachza: yeah, why? We were planning to practise the first lift today, but we can move that to tomorrow

Techno: Wilbur had a run in with some of his old teammates. He's not feeling great.

Captain Coach: I'll fix up the session plan, do you know the names of the old teammates? I have friends in security who would keep an eye out for them.

Techno smiled softly at that. He was glad Wilbur had told his coaches about his old team- even if it was only a shortened version, it meant that Techno could say something simple and they would understand the importance of it.

Coachza: is Sally ok?

Techno: Aimsey and Niki are with her, not sure right now of that situation.

Coachza: I'll go find them and see how I can help, you look after Wilbur for now.

Techno: thank you.

And that was that. So simple, so easy, and Phil and Puffy were on the case. His team would be ok.

Techno sent a quick message to a few teammates, trying to gather where everyone was and what was happening. Oddly enough, Tommy, Wilbur's roommate, was with Eret, and apparently furious at the new discovery. Either it hadn't taken long did the kid to like Wilbur, or he had a strong sense of justice... or both.

Techno hated that he had to tell Eret not to go after the two men, apparently called Hunter and Anwir. Techno wanted to punch them as much as anyone would, but he also refused to risk their place in the Olympics for that. Not if there was some other way to bring them down. If it came down to it, Techno would take the fall, and be the one to punch the two, letting Fundy take his place in the routine. Fundy was as good as Techno was any day. Not as strong, sure, but he made up for that in his height in the water, as well as perfect extension.

Still, his team came first, so none of them were allowed to punch anyone. Not unless necessary. And admittedly it did feel necessary right now, but he couldn't go seeking trouble out. Not when Wilbur was standing in the bathroom and covering bruises up with makeup.

Techno didn't want him to hide the pain, but he knew Wilbur, knew the way Wilbur would shrink away from view even if it was all hidden. For the sake of cameras if nothing else. For the sake of Wilbur's confidence.

Words: 864

A/N: technically not a perfect round number, but u gotta love the decreasing by 2 pattern sooo......

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