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Chloe pov

Last night was, kinda fun. But back to bussiness today, don't get me wrong I love the rehearsels but sometimes it's so tiring.

I was sitting in the make-up chair, where Kourtney was doing some touch ups. Another girl was doing Nini's, honestly I think she doesn't need any.

When Kourtney saw Nini they both squealed from excitement. Seb walked over to me 'What do you think' he sang dragging the think. 'You look amazing Seb' I smiled. 'This is so me, I don't think anyone else could know me better or do it better' he responded. Ouch.

Ricky came in and flipped his hair. I could say it was quite funny. 'You're kinda tricky, I dunno who you are right now' I joked. 'Did you just make a ship name between Troy and me' Ricky laughed and I nodded.

When it came to the photo, they messed up every single time. It was funny watching them struggle.

I got over to Kourtney's side, for individual pictures. Did I slay them? maybe. Did I totally freak out about it? absolutley.


Both Carlos and me were walking to rehearsel. When there was a upset drama teacher with a full box of things that almost bumped into us.

"Is everything alright Miss Jenn" I asked. "Yeah, and I told you that you could just call me Jenn" she repsonded. Favoritism.

"Miss Jenn please, we both see that something is bothering you" Carlos sighed. "Fine, I maybe got a little too exited about my job application and made some things up" Miss Jenn began. "I'll maybe lose my job" she looked sad. "We can't do this without you" Carlos complained.

"Keep the train on tracks, Chloe give him some mental support, trust the proces" Miss Jenn said and fled the scene.


3rd person pov

"Have you heard anything from Miss Jenn, Carlos or Chloe, they're never late" Nathalie asked Seb and Nini. "It's weird, he's not repsonding to my texts and Chloe would've been here 30 minutes before it even began" Sed responded.

"Did you get a good photo for the program cover" Kourtney asked Big Red worriedly. "Jumping on cue is more complicated than you think it is" Gina excused herself.

Big Red ran to Ricky and asked: "Speaking about complicated, how was last night with Chloe." Ricky looked around to see if Chloe was in the room and when he noticed she wasn't he looked at Biggie and responded; "Teenage dream".

Nathalie tried to get the lead after waiting too long for both Carlos and Miss Jenn. Chloe must've been sick, they thought. "Shouldn't we wait" Ashlyn asked.

"Okay people" Carlos called in with Chloe joining right behind him. "Okay let's stage a number we're late" Carlos chuckled full of stress and anxiety.

"Is Miss Jenn coming" Nini asked, "Miss Jenn had a small personal matter and won't be joining us today" Chloe jumped in for Carlos.

"Is everything alright" Nini asked, "Good question" Seb interuppted. "Everything's fine, why are you even asking" Carlos looked like he wanted to cry.

Carlos started directing the whole Gabriella and the forest of boys concept. Which many people didn't agree with. Which made him even more upset and stressed out.

Nini asked if Carlos was doing alright. Chloe on the other side looked worriedly at him, not knowing what to do.

"We can just come back if Miss Jenn is back" Nini offered. "Well obviously she's not here and I don't know if" Carlos began. 

"Carlos do-" Chloe tried to cut him off. "She's ever coming back" Carlos continued and Chloe sighed.

"Wait what" Ricky said a bit hurt. "Is this a joke" Ashlyn was next to comment about the situation. "She's in deep trouble you guys" Carlos began, to which Chloe continued before he spills a bit too much "They're saying that she lied on her job application, there's a school board meeting in less than 24 hours".

"She's probably going to lose her job guys" Chloe said calmly. "We weren't supposed to say anything but we're trying our best here" Carlos was on the verge of tears. 

"I'm outta here", "What are we even doing here", "How can we have a show if we have no teacher".

"You know you could've told me" Seb said kindly, "she aksed us not to" Carlos said broken. "Wow, Carlos what else are you not telling us, and Chloe expected more of you" EJ said offensive. The situation began to run out of hand and suddenly everyone fled the scene, completely giving up. 

"Guys" Ricky tried to stop them from running away. Carlos screamed that rehearsels are cancelled. Chloe sat down wiping her half-coming tears.

"Hey shh" Ricky tried to comfort her. He sat down next to her not saying anything, not blaming her for anything.

"So you're not gonna blame me for something" Chloe said with red eyes. Ricky immidiatly hugged her and whispered "no".

"What EJ said, don't take it too personal" he smiled in comfort to her.

"You know I'm gonna play you something to cheer you up ok" Ricky said, "ok" Chloe chuckled.

I thought you were my fairy-tale
My dream when I'm not sleepin'
A wish upon a star that's comin' true
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
When there was me and you, whoa
I swore I knew the melody
That I heard you singin'
And when you smiled, you made me feel
Like I could sing along
But then you went and changed the words
Now my heart is empty
I'm only left with used-to-be's
And once upon a song
Now I know you're not a fairy-tale
And dreams are meant for sleepin'
And wishes on a star just don't come true
'Cause now, even I can tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
Because I liked the view
When there was me and you

"You clearly did some research" Chloe responded proudly


"Miss Jenn, I'm so happy to hear from you" Carlos said while hugging her. "tell me it's something good" he continued. "It's complicated" Miss Jenn responded. Miss Jenn started crying and told her whole story.

<(Carlos: Chloe we gotta do something for Miss Jenn)

(Chloe: What are you thinking of?)>

Chloe got another notification

<(Ricky❤️: Wanna meet at Big Red's?)

(Chloe: Sure I'll be right there)>

Both Ricky and Chloe had arrived, they were first and also unknowing about the other people coming. Ashlyn and some other castmates came down. "I was worried when you didn't respond so I invited some others" Big Red said. "This should be it" he continued.

"Actually give it a minute" Ashlyn responded.

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