Girl at home

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As Taylor Swift made her way to the Arrowhead Stadium for the upcoming Cheifs game, she couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. She knew it was risky business since he was already dating another woman and she had Joe but something about his charm just drew her in.

The stadium roared with energy as Taylor took her seat in the VIP box, hoping to catch a glimpse of any familiar faces. Suddenly, a tall figure caught her eye, making its way across the field. It was none other than Travis Kelce himself! Her heart skipped a beat as their eyes met, sending shivers down her spine.

Travis looked up at the box she was in and winked at her playfully before taking his spot nearby. Taylor tried to act casual, pretending not to notice him, but her cheeks grew redder by the second.

The pair had met briefly after one of her shows at arrowhead and there was an undeniable tension between them. But she had joe and either way there was no way he would want her he had his supermodel of a girlfriend, literally she was a supermodel.

Despite her reservations, Taylor couldn't resist Travis' magnetic pull. They continued to run into each other frequently, always finding excuses to spend more time together. Each encounter felt electric, leaving Taylor breathless and longing for more. Eventually, she realized that she couldn't keep denying herself the happiness she deserved. Whether or not it worked out with Travis remained to be seen, but one thing was certain: Taylor was willing to take a leap of faith and find out.

After the game she headed into the back of the stadium, She had to walk passed the changing rooms to get to the back exit, as she was walking through she bumped into travis,

She was engrossed in her phone, scrolling through messages and emails, when suddenly she collided with someone coming from the opposite direction. Apologizing profusely, she looked up from her screen only to come face-to-face with none other than Travis Kelce.

"I'm so sorry!" Taylor exclaimed, blushing slightly as she noticed how close she had gotten to him. She could feel her heart racing as she studied his features – the sharp angles of his jawline, the twinkle in his eyes, and the infectious grin that spread across his face.

Travis, meanwhile, seemed unfazed by the accidental meeting. In fact, he looked almost relieved, as though he too had been waiting for a chance to cross paths with Taylor. "Don't worry about it," he replied, running a hand through his hair. "Happens all the time."

For a fleeting moment, Taylor wondered whether he was being sarcastic or genuinely friendly. Either way, she decided to seize the opportunity and strike up a conversation. "Actually, I've heard that your collisions are quite legendary. Are you secretly trying to break some kind of record?" she teased.

Travis laughed loudly, revealing a set of pearly whites that made Taylor's knees go weak. "Oh, trust me, I wish I could say that. Unfortunately, my tackles are much more impressive than my bump-ins!"

As they bantered back and forth, Taylor began to realize that there might actually be something between them. The connection was undeniable, and she couldn't help but wonder whether this was the beginning of something truly special.

After yet another chance encounter, Travis couldn't contain himself any longer. The sexual tension between him and Taylor was building up with every passing moment, and he desperately wanted to explore what lay beneath the surface. As they parted ways, Travis hesitated before turning around and facing Taylor squarely. "Listen, Taylor, I know we haven't exactly talked about where this goes, but I can't ignore the chemistry between us anymore. Would you be interested in going somewhere, maybe grabbing dinner or drinks, and talking about... Everything?"

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