The very first night

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Arriving at Taylor's luxurious apartment in downtown Manhattan, Travis couldn't help but feel nervous. But his apprehension dissipated as soon as Taylor greeted him warmly with a radiant smile.

"Hey Travis, welcome to my humble abode!" exclaimed Taylor as she led him inside. "I hope you're hungry because tonight we're having homemade lasagna."

Grinning broadly, Travis nodded gratefully, grateful for the reprieve from fancy restaurants. For the rest of the evening, Taylor put her culinary skills to work, stirring pots and chopping vegetables, all while keeping Travis entertained with fascinating tidbits about her childhood and the touring process.

As the aroma of garlic and basil filled the air, Travis couldn't resist complimenting Taylor on how delicious everything smelled. Flushing slightly, Taylor replied, "Thank you, It's something I've picked up when I couldn't leave my house. I figured cooking would be a nice change of pace."

With the meal ready, they sat down to enjoy their creations. Throughout dinner, they chatted animatedly, covering topics ranging from sports to music to life philosophy. At one point, Travis leaned back in his chair, savoring the flavors of the food and staring dreamily into Taylor's eyes.

Feeling a little shy, Travis cleared his throat and hesitated for a second before asking, "Taylor, can I tell you something?"

Nodding encouragingly, Taylor smiled expectantly.

"It might sound silly," began Travis, "but seeing you tonight has made me realize that I want more. I don't want to rush into a relationship but Would you consider giving us a chance romantically? "

Blushing deeply, Taylor gazed into Travis's hazel eyes and whispered softly, "Yes, Travis. I think I would really like that."

As they finished their meal, Travis and Taylor couldn't help but smile at each other. It wasn't just the delicious homemade lasagna that made them happy; it was also the comfortable silence that had fallen between them.

Breaking the spell, Taylor cleared her throat and said, "So, Travis, tell me about your childhood. What kind of mischief did you get yourself into?"

Travis chuckled, his mind transported back to his youthful years. "Well, I used to play football pretty obsessively. My mom would have to drag me away from the feild sometimes because I'd forget everything else going on!"

Taylor laughed along, "Oh wow, so nothing has really changed."

They went on to share anecdotes about their favorite games, their most embarrassing moments, and their fondest memories of family vacations. With each story shared, their conversation became livelier and more intimate.

After a perfect evening full of hearty food, engaging conversations, and electric chemistry, Travis walked Taylor to her apartment door. He hesitated briefly, unsure whether or not she wanted another kiss goodnight.

But Taylor didn't wait for any further invitation. She turned suddenly, cupping Travis' face in her hands and pulling him close. Her lips were soft yet urgent as she pressed herself against him, sending shivers through his entire body.

Travis moaned softly, wrapping his arms around Taylor's waist as she deepened the kiss, exploring every inch of his mouth with hers. For what seemed like hours, they stood there, lost in the intensity of the moment.

As Taylor pulled Travis back inside her apartment and shut the door behind them, she could feel the electricity crackling between them. Their eyes locked once more, and without saying a word, they moved toward one another, their bodies responding instinctually to the magnetic pull that had drawn them together throughout the course of their enchanting evening.

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