Twenty Two: Crit Success

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"Chosen One. You've made it. Welcome."

Chloe took a hesitant step forward, her entire party fanning out around her as they took in their new surroundings. The elf woman smiled, though it looked cruel somehow.

Damn, the Chosen One really lost her key to the kingdom in the woods for Scratch to find? Chosen, my ass, thought Chloe.

Not knowing who the woman was, Chloe simply held her fist to her chest and nodded, a common greeting of respect. The woman smiled before turning her attention back to the map spread on the table. She had her feet kicked up, and her lips were slightly stained with wine.

Chloe glanced at Astarion, who'd gone rigid as a board the moment they'd seen the woman. The vampire looked paler even than usual, his eyes wide and staring at the half elf, who paid them no mind.

"You're here to stop my little ritual, are you not? You want to save the world." Chloe tensed. Perhaps she'd walked them all right into a trap.

But she was still free for now.

"Depends." Chloe said, calling on all her (nonexistent) improv acting skills and recollecting every movie of a tough female lead she'd ever seen, despite the fact that her heart was thumping loudly beneath her breastplate.

"What's it worth to you if we fuck off and don't save the world?" Chloe crossed her arms over her chest as she cocked her head to the side. She was figuring this out as she went. These people knew she wasn't whoever held this necklace previously.

Time to be chaotic-neutral as fuck?

The woman smiled, seemingly amused by the turn of events. She rose to her feet, and Chloe noticed the long blade at her side. She took a deep breath.

"Well, I would have never expected the Chosen One to be such a selfish cunt." Chloe threw her head back in a loud and genuine bark of laughter, and the elf woman slowly followed suit.

"But you're happily surprised," Chloe posited teasingly, ignoring the slowly rising energy of tension behind her as her party realized their plan was fucked. The elf woman approached more closely, towering over Chloe as she smiled down at her, seeming to consider her carefully.

"What if I told you we could save the world?" She gestures vaguely around the room. "We just want a little something in return." She smiled, and it reminded Chloe of a wolf baring its teeth. She could practically feel her party holding their breath behind her.

"And what exactly do you want?"

Chloe asked, raising an eyebrow.

"We don't ask for much. Just the mindflayer empire, and the death of anyone who dares defy our will."
Chloe chuffed.

"Is that all?" She asked sarcastically, but pretended to consider it as she actually thought about how the fuck to turn this into something useful. She sighed.

"I've truly no interest in saving the world. Let it burn, as long as you pay us. We'll just disappear, no attempts to save the world will be made by my party. Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll have to at least be willing to lose everyone in this room currently, and probably a few more before you manage to take us all down. We came in prepared to die, so take a minute to weigh the pros and cons and let me know if you're prepared for that too, huh?"

Chloe threw a wink at the elven woman, whose eyebrows raised silently in surprise as Chloe spun around to face her party.

Chloe shrugged, her palms up.

"Sorry guys. It was worth a try, right?"

Wyll stepped forward, his face resigned.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but...I'm happy to die amongst you all. Annoying though you may be."
Chloe saw Halsin look at her out of the corner of his eye. She knew he was remembering what she'd said that day in the river. She'd burn the world down before she let anyone hurt any of them.

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