Sixteen: Moonrise Moat

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A/N: I know I've already mentioned before that things will be different but this chapter is a great example bc in the game, Moonrise Towers is through the Underdark, and in this chapter it is clearly not lol


Bathing was one of the last things Chloe had considered about being in the video game. After battles, the party always emerged victorious, but rather grimy. Blood and sweat clung to their skin for days if they didn't wash as soon as possible.

So this time when the five of them stumbled upon a river crossing, Chloe wasted no time flinging off her clothes and tossing them haphazardly over a tree branch before diving right in, the others still struggling to disrobe.
Wyll laughed at Chloe's retreating splash.

"How does she manage to take her clothes off so quickly? It's like a magic trick." He laughed, fiddling with his belt until it loosened.

Halsin was the next one in, splashing naked into the water in a massive cannonball that nearly drowned Chloe. Lae'zel, Wyll, and Shadowheart followed, and Chloe's head peeked out of the water just in time to see Wyll steady Shadowheart on the slick river rocks by offering his arm, which - all the more surprising - Shadowheart had accepted.

Mouth still hidden beneath the water, Chloe smiled at them.

They didn't notice, but Halsin did. He flipped his long wet hair back with a slap, wading over to Chloe against the force of the water.

"Seems they're warming to each other," Halsin noted, intentionally not looking at Shadowheart and Wyll. Chloe couldn't help but chuckle.

"So it seems," she agreed before looking up at Halsin. She could admit he was gorgeous, every inch of him exposed from the muscles at the top of his hips upward, glistening with drops of river water. Truly stunning.

His green eyes looked down at her with amusement and...maybe something more. Chloe quickly looked away.

She knew she herself could take or leave monogamy, and that Halsin himself didn't particularly care for it.

But how did Astarion feel about it?

Chloe felt stupid for even thinking it. They'd kissed only once. It meant nothing, she told herself.

She meant nothing to him.

And yet...

"I admit, I had thought perhaps you were becoming close with Wyll." Halsin said suddenly, turning his scrutinizing gaze on Chloe's wet and naked figure. She'd gotten fairly used to being naked around them all at this point. It felt strangely comfortable.

"Me? Psh," she scoffed, reaching down to scrub the blood and dirt off of her arms. "Wyll is far too good for someone like me."

Halsin looked surprised.

"You do not believe you deserve a good man?" He questioned, confused. Chloe shrugged.

"It's not really about what I deserve. Wyll will always do what is right, no matter what. I appreciate that about him. Love it, even." She paused, considering what to say next.

"He would've let you die at the goblin camp to keep the refugees safe." Halsin concluded. Chloe took a deep breath and nodded.

"And he would expect me to do the same for him." She continued as she flipped her hair over and dunked it in the cold water.

"And if I'm honest..." Chloe flipped her long white hair back over, feeling it slap wetly down on her back. "I'd burn the world down for any one of you. I won't do the right thing if someone I love is in danger. I will do whatever I have to. Wyll can't appreciate that."

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