The festival

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Y/n was still up, she couldn't sleep. She was so excited to hang out with Muichiro. Was she catching feelings? No... she smacked her head. He wouldn't see her like that... would he?

Y/n sighed as she then shook the thoughts away. She then, ended up falling asleep a few minutes later.

The next day, she woke up she yawned. She had only one more week off before she had to go back on duty. They only gave her one week off since she got injured.

She got up and, did her hair, drank her medicine etc. Suddenly, Aoi came running to her as she said "Y/n!!! Tanjiro woke up from his coma!!"

Y/n ran immediately to his room she forgot to thank him for what he did to her after the battle against Gyutaro and Daki.
He saved her since if he hadn't have found her, she would have kept bleeding and the kakushi would have never, found her.

When Y/n got to his room she saw him awake and, smiled. She immediately jumped to his arms and hugged him. He hugged her back, as she said "Thank you, Tanjiro... if it wasn't for you they would have never found me... I forgot to tell you how much I appreciated it. Since when I was going to talk to you, you fell in a coma." Y/n said to Tanjiro he smiled and, said it was fine.

Y/n didn't notice she was still hugging Tanjiro, as he didn't seem to mind much. They were so close, as suddenly the door opened...


Y/n looked at the person who entered the room... it was Muichiro. He seemed annoyed...  and a bit frustrated.

He tried to act like he didn't care but, Tanjiro and, Y/n knew he was mad. Muichiro, didn't know... why he was feeling like this... usally he is so nonchant and, cold. But, seeing Y/n and, Tanjiro hugging and, being so close made him feel nothing but, rage.

Y/n then pulled away from Tanjiro as she told him bye. She then, left with Muichiro as she said to him
          "I'm surprised you didn't forget Muichiro... Y/n said as she chuckled. But, Muichiro didn't even laugh as he said,"Why were you two so close? Huh!?" Muichiro said in a louder tone than, expected.

Y/n looked at Muichiro this was the first time he actually seemed so mad. She then realized... was he jealous? She chuckled.

        "Are you jealous, Muichiro? Haha, I was thanking him for helping me." Y/n said as Muichiro grabbed her hand and, said, "Whatever, let's go were going to be late to the festival."

Y/n couldn't even react as he just took her hand and, went downstairs then, exited the butterfly mansion.

He stayed quiet as they walked together.


When they arrived Y/n was shocked it looked so beautiful.
Muichiro held her hand as they walked Muichiro, saw a lot of food stands.

Muichiro looked at Y/n as he pointed at the food stands, and asked her "Do you want something?"
Y/n looked embarrassed to even say yes. He looked at her being too shy to even tell him, she did want something. He then walked to a food stand and, bought food.

He bought rice balls and, syake-daikon for Y/n. He put all the food on a table.
Y/n suddenly, surprised him with Furofuki Daikon which also, had miso sauce in it.

Muichiro looked at her shocked... he couldn't belive she remembered his favorite food.
He gave her a small smile as they started eating.

As, they finished he bought her more stuff as he bought desserts, her favorite pudding. For himself he didn't buy anything and, just how Y/n looked so happy.

As she ate, she forced him to play the  games with her, she also held his hand the whole time.
There was a parade as Muichiro wanted to leave already but, Y/n forced him to stay and, watch.

At the end of the parade Muichiro hate to admit it but, he had fun. He enjoyed spending time with Y/n. He thought she looked beautiful with her pink kimono. It suit her but, he didn't say a word since he was too embarrassed.

Y/n held his hand as they walked back he suddenly said "How about we go to our place... for a bit..." Muichiro asked as Y/n smiled and, nodded.

He took her to the hill, they always went to after they hanged out. She always told him, to come with her there so after, some time they always saw it as "Our place".

He sat down as Y/n sat down beside him, she then layed her head on his shoulder.
Muichiro froze he didn't know why, he always enjoyed her company, he always felt happy around her. He wasn't sure if these were "romantic feelings"

He sighed, as he let her lay on his shoulder as she suddenly, told him

          "Thank you, Muichiro... it was really fun to hang out with you..." Y/n said as Muichiro gently put his arm around her shoulder.
"Your welcome... Y/n.. And, I also enjoyed hanging out with you."
Y/n smiled, as she stayed quiet after and, looked at the stars.

They watched the stars for a long time. Before, Muichiro said they should get going. Suddenly, as the stood up they locked eyes ..... Muichiro suddenly leaned in...and kissed her.

Hey! Sorry, for the cliffhanger but, I will be updating this story each day till Thursday. Then After it will go back to me updating each weekend.
Anyway I have a lot planned so stay tunned♡
Happy new years♡

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