Hanging out together

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Y/n woke up before Muichiro the next day, she saw him sleeping on the chair as she smiled. She got up from her bed and, she went to go downstairs for a cup of tea.

When she came back she saw Muichiro awake. He then said to her "Oh, your here I thought you left somewhere... my bad'' he said nonchalantly. Y/n looked at him as she had the cup of tea in her hand. Was he worried? He sounded a bit overprotective... but, maybe she's just overthinking it.

He then got up from the chair as he told her.
           "Well Y/n... how are you feeling?" Muichiro said In a bit of a concerned tone. "To be honest, my stomach does hurt.. but, not as much as yesterday..."
Y/n said. She noticed how concerned he looked which made her smile.

Muichiro stayed silent for a few minutes before telling her "Well... how about we go eat breakfast together... then we can talk about, stuff and the festival.." Y/n nodded as he held her hand and, walked downstairs.
He lead her to the kitchen as they ate breakfast that Aoi served them. Aoi had been healing and giving medicine to
Y/n and, Y/n was really thankful.
After they finished eating he took her out to go to the villiage, It wasn't far from the butterfly mansion. She was still in a bit of pain but, she almost kinda forgot about it while hanging out with him.

Before she knew it it was night time already. They have been out hanging out all day.
He bought her a haori since her other one ripped a while ago. He also took her to eat, made her origami and etc.
He brought her to a hill again as Muichiro said to her
             "I remember how happy you
      looked when I took you last time to. watch the stars..." He said in a nonchalant tone.
Y/n looked at him as she smiled she sat down next to him, as they looked at the stars together he suddenly heard her say "Thank you.." Y/n said before Muichiro turned to her and gently smiled.

Y/n was a bit shocked... its not often he smiles.. he always has this nonchant cold look on his face.
It sometimes made her think how he and, Giyuu at similar sometimes.
But, she thought Giyuu was probably more cold and, sad...

She then quickly stopped thinking about that, and focused on looking at the stars... they looked so beautiful she would never, get tired of looking at them. She always felt like her worries would dissappear, when she was looking at the stars.

As they were watching the stars, she often caught Muichiro glancing at her. She was confused but, then a thought came to her mind "Did he like her? In a romantic way? No... he probably didn't... but, what if?" Y/n thought.

She pushed the thoughts away but, the more she thought of it... she realized the signs... how he hugged her back, and kissed her forehead before she left to her mission....

Did it mean anything? She always thought how people told her she was a bit naive...

She stayed quiet as suddenly, Muichiro laid his head on her shoulder.
He was asleep... she couldn't lie to herself that she didn't think it was adorable.

She didn't move or push him off she just looked at the stars, the wind made it even better and, relaxing.

                 A few hours later
-Before y/n even knew it she had been staring at the stars so much she didn't notice 3 hrs have passed and, Muichiro was still asleep on her shoulder.

Y/n didn't even realize how late it had gotten as, she was lost in her own thoughts. She was thinking of her past which really made her feel guilty.

She sighed as she saw Muichiro in a deep sleep she thought "Should I wake him up? But, what if he gets mad? He looks like he's in a deep sleep.." Y/n thought to herself, she was still in between if she should wake him up or let him sleep for a while.

After a while she finally build up the courage and, decided to wake him up. She shook him gently and, he soon woke up.
He looked at her as he said.
        "H-huh? Y/n?" Muichiro said a bit confused why she woke him up.
"Its getting really late... and the sun is almost about to rise in two hours. Y/n said as Muichiro yawned.

He nodded as he said they should head back. He stood up as he reached out his hand for her. She took it as she got up and, they walked back to the butterfly mansion together.

He was just going to drop her off and, then leave to his house. He was worried that any demon could suddenly come out of nowhere and, attack her.
He knew he was being a bit too overprotective and, she could take care of herself, she was a hashira like him after all.

But, he couldn't risk it... he was just worried... he knew sometimes upper moons would be in the most random places.

They continued to walk as suddenly, a demon appeared. He quickly took out his sword from his sheath and, killed it.

He made sure they're were no more demons around for now before, putting his sword back to its sheath. He then, took Y/n hand and continued to walk.
See? This is why he wanted to walk her home. But, although if he wasn't here he knew she would have killed it fast.

When they arrived back to the butterfly mansion he gently let go of her hand. She looked at him as, she smiled.

          "Thank you, Muichiro.... I really enjoyed spending time with you today..." Y/n said to him.
"It's nothing... Y/n anyway... about the festival, here... a paper.. it has the time it's starting and, the time we have to be their... I'm giving you this since I may forget." He said nonchalantly as he gave the paper to Y/n.
"So your giving me this in case you forget and, if you do I have to go to your house to remind you about it?" Y/n said a bit confused.

Muichiro nodded as Y/n chuckled she said alright. Before, she could enter suddenly, Muichiro said. "Um goodnight, Y/n... see you tommorow..."
Y/n smiled at him, as she said goodnight back. She then, entered the butterfly mansion as Muichiro walked off to his house.

When she entered the butterfly mansion everyone was already asleep. She then, headed to her room she had been assigned, for a whole week by Aoi so they made sure she recovered well.

As she laid on her bed she thought of all that she and, Muichiro did together... she couldn't help but, think she was excited to see him tommorow...

But, then after... she knew he would leave to the swordsmith village for a whole week. It upset her a bit, and she didn't know why. She never, seemed to be bothered when he told her he had to go somewhere, for a week or more.

She decided to shrug it off and try to fall asleep but, she couldn't help but think, why did she care so much out of the sudden?

Hey! So yes I made this chapter long, probably longer than any chapter I have posted so far. But, I hope this is enough for a while.
Also, I will post a chapter of Y/n's past I'm trying to make it mixed between sad and, happy
Have a good night/day♡

Wrong, Timing |Muichiro X Fem Reader•|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ