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"Hyo, Hyo, Hyo
Still, even though you don't look the part, you're still a hashira. Ooo, I'm getting curious on all the artwork I could make of you!"
Gyokko said, Muichiro suddenly swung his sword and said "That's enough, the only thing worthless are your words.

He put his sword on Gyokko's neck as it almost went through but...
Gyokko got a vase... it splashed water and suddenly, trapped Muichiro.

Muichiro's eyes widened as Gyokko spoke up.
"Blood demon art, water prison pot. Death by suffocation is rather stylish. Beautiful isn't it? Oh and that spine tingling feeling of a blade pressed on your neck. Now, that's simply sublime! Gyokko said

Muichiro tried poking it with his katana but, it didn't work he thought to himself
("It's no good... I can't slash it") Gyokko then looked at him, and said "Not only I trapped you inside of their but your breathing techniques as well!"

"I can't contain myself imaginating your face twisted in agony as you drown. Hyo, Hyo! Obliterating this villiage will be a devastating blow to you demon slayers!
Once we've brought the demon slayers to your knees, even ubuyashiki's head will be within reach! Hyo, Hyo!" Gyokko said to Muichiro.


"Hyo, Hyo, Hyo is it excruciating? It must be excruciating! Muichiro tried poking it again, but it wouldn't work ("So it's the same everywhere?")

"Hyo, Hyo! Not only you are unable to unleash your breathing techniques, but you will soon be drawing your last breath in there, too!"

"Hyo, Hyo, Hyo that look of fake stoicism. How very sublime it is! My creative juices are simply gushing"

Meanwhile Tanjiro and the rest where fighting the other demons, Muichiro was just there... trapped laying down looking at the sky..

"Hyo, Hyo, Hyo Not that I wouldn't love to stick around and watch you die in their a bit longer. But, first I'll have a look inside this shack, to see what you were hiding and protecting"

Gyokko vanished in the vase but Muichiro... was just there...

Muichiro then thought to himself ("With the air left in my lungs... I should be able to manage one more attack")
He had a grip on his katana as he said "Mist breathing first form low clouds distance haze"

He used it but, it didn't work.... ("Not even that can cut it through...It's no wonder.. given how badly this sword is chipped... it's futile... it's over...I can only hope that help is on the way..... sorry master, but I'm going to die, so as soon as you can... please send atleast two hashira.")

"What makes you think you will die?" A voice said. Muichiro then said "Huh?
He saw Tanjiro standing there... in front of him...

"What makes you think that? After all, who knows what the future holds right?"
Tanjiro said as Muichiro thought ("Hold on... this isn't right...Tanjiro never said anything Iike that to me. But, if not him who?


Meanwhile, in the shack Kanamori was telling Gyokko "Stay back! I cant let you get inside!"

"Hyo, Hyo! why do you even bother? You're only wasting my time. Could it be that your foolish enough to think that you can fending me off?"

Gyokko said as he got closer to Kanamori "Hyo, Hyo, Hyo Well thats just comical"

Kanamori was shaking, as he trew the knife he was holding, Gyokko slashed him. Kanamori fell to the ground, Gyokko then spoke up "Why is it that your so desperate to defend a poor shack? You wouldn't be hiding your precious village chief in here would you?"

Kanamori backed away slowly, Gyokko then noticed someone... they were saying "Extraordinary steel, what and extraordinary sword!"

Gyokko looked at them as he thought to himself ("That human is young... the body of someone who isn't even 40.. theirs no way he would be chief")

The person kept saying "Such brilliant craftsmanship. It's stunning."
Gyokko smirked as he said "Hey human? What are you doing over there?"

"Who created this master piece? By what  kind of person was this sword forged?" The person kept mumbling to himself, Gyokko then thought ("Damn him what kind of focus is that? Hes so immersed on what hes doing hes unaware of me")

Gyokko clenched his fist as he thought ("I don't like this one bit, even I haven't concentrated this hard, in one of my pieces. As an artist, I can't help but feel inferior!")

Gyokko got his vase as it aimed at him, he then attacked him, causing him to get scratches. Kanamori then yelled "Stop it! Mr Haganezka M-Mr Haganezka!"

Haganezka just kept on sharpening the sword. Which made Gyokko pissed he thought ("What the?")
He attacked him again, cutting himmore which broke his mask.
But he wouldn't stop, Gyokko got more pissed.

("No matter what I do this man refuses to stop!") Gyokko thought
Haganezka just kept saying stuff about the sword.

Kanamori then yelled "Mr Haganezka!"
At this rate, Gyokko was so pissed by now he thought ("I can't stand this man, it would be a child's play to kill him, but I want him to abandon that sword! I want to shatter his concentration!"

Muichiro was still trapped, he then was starting to think ("My vision is starting to get distorted.... I'm dying. I'm all out of air.")

Yes, another cliffhanger sorry! I trying to post but ended up being busy.
I am working on the next chapter rn though.
Expect it tommorow or Thursday♡
Also, if some of you don't mind, my friend started a story, its called "Operation DD: Don't die" I think. You can check who I'm following to find her.
Anyways thank you for reading♡

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