Chapter 5 The Dragons

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After realizing that I was the queen of Fairies and all the other fairies remembered that as well we went back to our original home. Once we reached there everyone started to rebuild the place. One fairy came up to me and said that they had found a cave that wasn't there before, so Draco, Curtis, Bernard and I went to the cave to check it out.

"So, this is empty right?" Asked Bernard as we looked into the cave.

" As Far as I can tell there are only eggs. But they are big eggs." I walked to them and used a flashlight to see into the egg. I noticed it was an animal with wings big enough to almost hatch. I grabbed the four eggs and carried them with me in a bag.

While we walked back to the sleigh, I had asked if I could keep the eggs with me to do some research on them. He did agree in which Bernard was not happy about it, he is worried about the mysterious eggs being in the North Pole. As for Draco and I, we are hoping that we could raise these animals to love the North Pole. As the queen of Fairies, I have all of the powers from our not just one. As for the book, if it keeps adding on about the Christmas fairy then we will see if it is possible to have a winter fairy at all.  

"Are you sure this is a good Idea, I mean I don't think we should have these eggs in the North Pole. What if the animals are dangerous to all Elves? I won't have it." mentions Bernard as we are about to land in the North pole.

"Calm down Bernard, they're going to be babies and right now we don't know what kind of animal this is. That is why I am looking into it," I mentioned to Bernard as we both felt our arms burning. Still have no idea why this is happening or who my soulmate is but my guess is that they are on this sleigh. 

Once we landed in the North Pole, one of the elves took me to this new building where the eggs would be kept warm and I could start my studies on them. After Four days I think, I noticed that the eggs were growing into a dragon which is born about anywhere in the world. There was a fire dragon, wind dragon, Energy dragon which had the power of lighting and a water dragon. 

"Maybe you should try to get some rest, your majesty." Suggested Draco as he walked into the building.

"No thank you Draco. Any moment these eggs would hatch and they need some here to let them know that they have a momma. I may be a fairy but according to the studies dragons calm the first thing they see as a parent." I mentioned to Draco as I continued looking into the info of the dragon eggs. 

Once Draco left I just continued my work and to be honest I don't know how long it's been since I left this building. The eggs may only have hours or so before hatching. An hour later and one of the eggs hatched it was a fire dragon who symbolized the light power from the fairy land. I searched around for food to feed the baby dragon. He was so cute with his red scales and yellow spikes on his head. The next dragon to hatch was the water dragon who was a dark blue with light blue patterns and belly, she was perfect. The third dragon to hatch was the energy dragon which shoots out lightning bolts and he was a black dragon with yellow wings,tail,spikes and belly. The final dragon to hatch was the wind dragon and she was a light blue dragon, her wings were light blue with white, dark blue and regular blue with the tail being dark blue. These dragons were perfect.

I went back to the workshop with the babies following me and all the elves were excited to meet the dragons. Yes, I did stay with the dragon to teach them that elves are friends not their food. Teaching dragons was going to be hard but it can be done. Bernard refused to come anywhere near them and for some reason being away from him just made me weak. At first I ignored the sick feeling and continued with my day training the babies.

 "Fauna, are you okay?" asked Santa.

The moment Santa asked, he fainted and he caught me and started taking me to the elf doctor, which the doctor told Santa that my soulmate is here and being away from them is causing me to get sick. Why was being away from Bernard so bad? It's not like he is my soulmate. 

 Whenever I woke up and looked around I still felt like I was unable to move. The baby dragons were sitting down beside the bed that I was laying on. After a while, I finally noticed that Santa was in the room. Was he here this whole time and the baby dragons stayed with me.

"You know, I was also searching up on dragons and it turns out if they think of you as a parent they will stay by your side when you are down. Also you are not feeling well because you're not with your soulmate and it's hurting you. "  Santa said as he stood up and walked over to my bed.

"But I don't even know who my soulmate is. The name is supposed to be on my arm and it's not there. What should I do Santa?" I asked while sitting up on my bed.My body still feels very weak and I start to wonder if I am going to be able to move around at all.I can't give up now the dragons need me, the fairies need me and my soulmate needs me. Who are you soulmate and where can I find you?

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