Chapter 1 The Fairies

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As the year goes on the more I think about what is happening in the fairyland, everything just seems off around here. I went to the kitchen to find my right hand fairy cooking meatloaf and making drinks. I opened the book to see what is going on with the fairyland and what I can do to save it. Eventually I reached the list of all of our powers and what we can do with them turns out there is a power that is being used here which doesn't belong to the fairyland.

"Can you figure out what magic is being used here and why?" I asked the right hand fairy.

"Yes, I can. But would the queen be mad? We can't just be searching around." says the right hand fairy as he pulled the meatloaf out of the oven.

"She is not the queen, I will prove this to you." I then closed the book and went to my room still thinking about everything that is happening right now. The queen that is running this place right now does not belong here and I can't have her taking over the whole place. I went to bed that night thinking of what could be happening and then the dream happened. A man or elf if you will, shows up in front of me and says that I am the reason the fairyland has magic that doesn't belong. You need to get to the North pole quickly.

As hours go by the day has come. I woke to my right hand fairy screaming and running to my room. As I was getting out of bed he opened the door and started talking. I had no time to react.

" So the powers that are supposed to be here are water, light, wind and energy. The forbidden ones are fire, dark, earth and summoning. The power that is being used in the fairyland is Summoning." says the right hand fairy.

" We need to get rid of the person but also I had a weird dream and I need your help figuring it out." I told him as we walked to the kitchen to eat something real quick.

Draco started making some chicken while I was reading the book. As I waited for him to get done I had read that in order to get rid of a summoning fairy, it is by a Christmas fairy. After a while Draco finished cooking and he asked me. " So how do you get rid of a summoning fairy and what was your dream?"

"First to get rid of a summoning fairy you need a Christmas which does not exist. As for my dream, a man or elf if you will shows up and tells me that I do not belong here and that I need to get to the north pole. " I mentioned to Draco.

"It's just probably nothing important." explains Draco.

I just nodded my head and ate my food before heading to my office to study more on everything but then I noticed something and yelled for Draco to come to my office. Draco came running into my office asking me what was wrong. I then explained that the dream was something and that fairies had soulmates.

" The soulmate's name should be on the fairies arm and when they find their soulmate the name glows" I mentioned to him.

Draco then checked his arm to see the name of his soulmate. After he told me the name I was curious because that name sounds more like an elf name. Draco and I continued to look into the matter to see if we can fix this.

The fake queen then came into the room and asked what we were doing. Draco and I just told her that we were reading about gardens even though that was not true. I need to get rid of this woman, she doesn't belong here. Later on, Draco and I went to the library where no other fairies in the world would go. Draco Searched on the dream to figure out more details on why a man or elf, if you will, is trying to get me to leave the fairyland. While Draco was searching for the dream, I was searching for Christmas Fairies to see if I could get anything on it. As far as fairies know there are no Christmas Fairies. After hours, I had fallen asleep and the same dream happened again but this time longer. 

"Please, I need you to understand you must get to the North Pole now." says the man or elf if you will.

"Who are you? Why do you keep telling me that I need to go to the North Pole?" I asked the man or Elf.

The person just looked at me like I was supposed to know why he was asking this. But sadly I do not know and fairies don't really celebrate Christmas so I don't know what he is. I just waited for him to finally answer me on why he is asking me these questions. Does he know that he is talking to a fairy?

The man sighs before he speaks up, " I am Bernard the Elf, I am from the North Pole. you and your Knight must come to the North Pole. It is very important for you to do this and I know that you're a fairy and so is he. " 

After Bernard said that he had left and the dream ended. Draco came into my room saying that we must get ready. The queen was wanting us to leave this place and find a new one. Honestly, this fake queen is really getting annoying and why leave here when there is no one danger? What is the issue here? I got up to get ready to leave with everyone else but went around asking every fairy why we were leaving the place.

 Along with us leaving, I keep thinking of Bernard like why is he coming to me. As we start flying through the air with everyone. Where are we going this is not right. We went through the north pole. But while we were in the air I was knocked down, not sure what had hit me. I was out. 

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