Chapter 2 What is Happening

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After hours, I woke up to a nice burning fireplace and someone sitting in the room with me. I didn't know who he was but I could make a guess he had a red and white outfit on. I sat up and looked at him as he was reading a list of names, eventually he had looked up from the list and had noticed that i was wide awake.

"Oh, good you're finally awake." says the man as he stands up and grabs a drink for me, " I didn't know what drink you would like so I got you Hot Chocolate."

" Thank you." I said as I grabbed the drink from the man standing in front of me. After taking a couple of sips it was like my world had flipped upside down. I looked at the man trying to figure out what had happened and how I got here. 

" So what is your name? How did you get here?" asked the man as two of his elves walked into the room.

" My name is Fauna. I am a fairy and us fairies were flying in the sky to our new home because the fake queen wanted us to. I have been trying to get rid of her but I am not sure how. As I was flying in the air something hit me and knocked me down." I explained as I finished the drink. 

Everyone was looking at me concerned since I was out for a while so they had an elf doctor come and check on me. Good news was that I am okay but when the time came for me to and head back to where I belong that when things messed up.

" Santa, Charlie is here. Do you know how he got here? " asked one of the elves.

Everyone left to find out what's going on but I still left to get back to the fairies. When I got back to the fairyland with the other fairies where everything has started going crazy. Our kitchen stopped working for no reason. As both places started to fall apart I realized that I needed to go back to the north pole like now. 

" Hey, Draco. Do you think this could have been because of me leaving the North Pole? Everything has been off ever since I mentioned leaving the place." I asked, looking at Draco as we are trying to figure out why the kitchen is going crazy.

"I don't think it's because of you. But if it is then we might want to get you back, so we will wait and see what happens. I am sure everything is perfectly fine. " As Draco mentioned, the water fairies lost their powers. Not normal for fairies to lose their powers. We started doing research on this.

The queen told us that none of this mattered and wanted us to stop doing this and i can't stand her. The more the day goes on the more we find something broken. Something is going on over here and its not okay.  As we had pulled out the book to continue our research I noticed that our lawn was on fire and our water fairies had no power to stop it. This was getting out of hand. I had to figure something out so I went back to the North Pole. When I reached there I noticed the elves were going crazy as well. I went to Santa's office to talk to him.

"Santa, something is wrong with the fairyland, I had to see if everything was okay here." I mentioned it to him.

"Everything is messed up here too and I don't know what's happening here." says Santa as he is trying to figure things out. " My Elves are going crazy and my number one elf is struggling to get them under control."

The two elves that were in the room had asked what was happening over at the fairyland and i mentioned our kitchen stopped working and our lawn was on fire meanwhile the water fairies had no powers to put the fire out.

"There was fire!" says the number two elf. Everyone started to talk about what was happening at the north pole and how Charlie was stuck here which i don't know who that is i was just listening to them telling me everything. 

As we were talking Charlie came in with a fairy and asked his dad if he knew who it was. That is when I spoke up and told them that was my right hand fairy draco. At that time everyone stopped and looked at me.

"Fauna, I looked into the book and it says that only the queen of fairies can have a right hand fairy. Does this mean that you're our queen?" Draco mentioned this and not just the fairies started thinking about it but Santa with his elves started to think too.

When draco mentioned that things started to calm down as my head started going crazy. Was Draco right, am I the queen of fairies or not? everything was just not making any sense here and we are willing to keep looking at this. I eventually passed out from that information because I knew the queen was fake but me being the queen that's a lot to take in. A couple days passed, I finally woke up to Draco sitting there waiting for me to come. When he noticed that I was awake he alerted Santa and them about it.

"Are you okay, did you not know about this?" asked Santa as he walked into the room.

" No, the fake queen blocked everyone's memories, even mine. I didn't know about this. But it still doesn't explain why we are stuck here in the North Pole." I answered Santa along with explaining what was going on. 

Santa, the elves and Draco had started to help me look through a bunch of books to figure out why me and Draco are now stuck at the North Pole. I think this has to do with soulmates but I am not sure. I was sitting there eating a cookie which it was actually my third cookie and Draco finally notice and started to panic.

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