Chapter 4 The Truth comes about

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Everyone was shocked and confused because I already ate a bunch of cookies and had hot chocolate twice. Nothing happened to me so we went to search for this if anything would come up. When we reached the book it was glowing like something new was being put into the book. Everyone looked at each other like this was the weirdest thing anyone has seen but for fairies it's normal we get new stuff all the time.

 "Well, Looks like we got some new information,Fauna." Draco said as he opened the book to the new page. When Draco opened to that page the title was the Christmas fairies and the only information was that the fairies diest changes.

"So the book is going to be written as we learn. And this explains why I haven't died yet and my diet has already changed." I mentioned this as I was reading the page.

Curtis and Bernard just looked at me when I mentioned that and that got me to thinking my soulmate is also at the North Pole. What is strange is that my soulmate's name is not showing on my arm for some reason. Also Draco noticed  that Bernard was a little jealous of the fact the Curtis had a daughter but that was because Curtis had already found his soulmate meanwhile Bernard can not find his soulmate. 

After reading the book, everyone had gotten hungry. Draco was going to cook like he would at the fairyland but then he remembered that we were at the North Pole he didn't know how to make food. Bernard and Curtis took us to the kitchen where we saw elves already baking food. Everyone sits down and waits for the food to get there. Meanwhile we talked about how we would handle the fake queen and all. Draco mentions that we also needed to unblock memories for that to be able to fully work.

 Honestly, I forgot that all the fairy memories are blocked but also there has to be a reason behind why my soulmate's name has not shown up yet. I do wonder what it could be and why I have not met them yet. 

" Alright, what do we need to get done in order for us to unblock memories?" I asked as the elves brought us food.

We all started to think about this while enjoying food that us fairies never had before. Halfway through eating Snowflake mentioned that we should set up a trap to get all the fairies into one room then have Draco make food that is safe for fairies with a potion in it to unblock the memories. Not a bad idea but who would make the potion.

Santa finally came to the kitchen to see if there was anything he could help with. So far the only thing we needed from was a way around with me and Draco being noticed. We needed his sleigh and only he knew how to drive it

 " Alright let's get to the sleigh and get ready to find all the things we need for this potion. Hopefully we can just make the potion in the kitchen and not have to find a certain person to do this." I mentioned as we all went to the sleigh.

Once we were in the sleigh, I told Santa that we needed to go to the mountains to find a red flower that grows in the shadows. After hours of riding in the sleigh we finally got to the mountains and started to look around for the flower that grows in the shadows. Bernard found the flower and brought it to sleigh and then we got ready to head to the next place to find the mushroom that was pink. Should be the only pink mushroom because it was made for potions mainly. 

" So how many more items do we need for the potion?" asked Curtis as we flew over a park.

" We need at least 2 more items if we can find them." I mentioned Curtis. As I said that I felt my arm burn again but I didn't think anything of it.Although, Draco noticed that the burning was bugging me.

 We continued on the journey to find everything. I brought a basket of food for us to eat because I knew that would take awhile for us to do. We started playing a game while Santa drove us to the next place. I noticed we drove over the old fairyland which was now burned to the ground and both of us fairies got upset about it because that was our home. One thing we notice is that Draco and I could not step out of the Sleigh because of the fact that we are not in the North Pole. I think this is just waiting for me to accept but accept something if you don't know about it.after about 4 hours we finally collected everything and headed back to the North Pole.

" Alright so we need to put the items in order for this to work." I explained as I got everything ready to make the potion.

 Once everything was ready, I started putting the potion into a water gun and giving them to everyone so we could get all of the fairies. We went back to the sleigh and began searching for the new fairyland and gathered all of the fairies. Once all of the fairies were gathered we started using the water gun making sure everyone had gotten the potion. Even Draco and I had the potion which resulted in me passing out. After hours, everyone gathered around and yelled "Your Majesty are you okay?" I looked around after waking up and information came at me all at once. I am the queen of fairies.

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