A New Leader

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It's a bright day in the Cave Kingdom despite being underground.

A celebration is underway in town. With tables and chairs occupied by the different species that lived in the town as well as the Toads visiting from the Mushroom Kingdom.

Even DK and a few of the Kongs were invited to this event. To which Cranky is currently snoring in his seat.

A few of Bowser's soldiers stand at a stage, guarding as part of their community service ordered by Peach and Valentina.

Two Dry Bones soldiers place down a bird cage that was currently holding Bowser who had his arms crossed with a scowl.

"Easy, small guy. Be glad Valentina is letting you be out here." One of the Dry Bones says tapping the cage.

Kamek appears at the stage.

"Behold! Her ladyship of the Cave Kingdom!"

The soldiers tap their spears on the ground.

Valentina walks on stage in a fancy uniform, and the audience cheers as the medal of a Grand Star is placed on her vest.

A fleet of Paratroopas fly overhead. The blue shell captain leads them with a hidden scowl as they rain down confetti.

Valentina walks down the stairs and waves to the people.

"Oh, hey."


"Ehem." A voice catches her attention. She looks down and is shocked to see Toad and Shelldon, both in fancy attire.

"Oh my gosh, Toad! Shelldon!" She places her hand to her chest in shock.

"Charmed, I'm sure." Shelldon says in a fancy accent.

"Your ladyship." Peach curtesys, accompanied by her brothers in matching green and red suits.

"Aw, did you guys get all dressed up for me?" Valentina awes.

"An hour." Mario states as Luigi fixes his bow tie. "You get this for an hour."

"Nah, that's alright." Valentina wraps her brothers in a hug. "I prefer the overalls."

"I'm surprised you're going for an hour, this is brutal." Shelldon pulls at the collar of his jacket as Valentina walks away.

"The things we do for friends." Peach says idly and holds her hand out for Mario. "Shall we dance, Mustache?"

"Huh? Well, I- and, uh- Woah!" Mario isn't given a chance to respond as Peach pulls him away.

Valentina sighs contently as she watches the party begin.

"I knew there was something special about this world."


Down in the sewers, in an old abandoned section, we slowly pan in, seeing a red tool box, and a white egg with green spots.

The top of it begins to crack, and pops out a tiny piece of it's shell.


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