Welcome To The Mushroom Kingdom

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Mario, Luigi, and Valentina trudge through the water towards the sewer line where water was bursting through the drain.

"They're not even looking in the right place." Mario says confidently and takes the crowbar from their work bag.

"Come on, Lu." Valentina nods towards the drain.

They pull up a drain farther away and watch as the water begins flowing down.

"You are not seriously considering-" Luigi says before Mario jumps down followed by Valentina.

"Mario! Valentina!" Luigi groans.

He takes a breath and jumps down as well, joining his siblings in the sewer.

"We gotta get to the pressure valve." Valentina points across the chasm to a valve that was shaking and spewing out steam.

"Mamma Mia." Luigi sighs.

They trudge through the water and grasp onto a pipe that led across the chasm. Mario and Valentina cling onto the pipe and begin to shuffle across.

The pipe begins to shake from the pressure, a bolt pops out, and Mario turns over, trying to grab the valve.

It pops off and goes flying into the chasm below. The pipe they were hanging onto bursts off and falls down, sending the screaming plumber siblings crashing into a brick wall.

The three groan as they sit up and Valentina gasps.

She knew exactly where they were.

"I knew saving Brooklyn was a bad idea." Luigi groans.

"Come on." Valentina says helping Luigi up as Mario looks around.

"Woah." Mario awes looking around the giant area filled with lining pipes that seemed to go down for miles.

Valentina gulps as she looks around nervously.

They climb down and eventually reach 'Level 1-2', which looks like it hasn't been touched in years.

Each of them look around, but Valentina seems to take a glance at the giant green pipe with every step.

"Hey, Val. Come check this out." Mario says gesturing Valentina to come over.

Valentina takes her eyes off of the pipe and walks over.

Luigi hums, looking into the green pipe.

"Looks like nobody's been down here for years." Mario says.

They hear a metal clank and look over, not seeing their brother by the green pipe.

"Oh no." Valentina mumbles.

"Luigi?" Mario calls out, seeing the monkey wrench lying on the floor. "Luigi, are you in there?"

Mario and Valentina climb in, one already knowing what happened, and the other knowing nothing.

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