Chapter Six

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During Avneet's first week in Mumbai, everything was good. She was talking with her brother over a call, assuring him "Everything is fine, bro."

After finishing her call, she headed to college with Vaishnavi. The cafeteria buzzed with conversations and laughter when Abhishek, noticing Siddharth and Avneet, asked, "What happened to you guys?"

Siddharth and Avneet exchanged a puzzled glance. "What?" they both said in unison.

"Yeah, you guys are not in your usual selves," others inquired curious.

Avneet shook her head in disagreement, dismissing the inquiries with a nonchalant wave. They were still curious as they exchanged glances, trying to unravel the mystery.

Siddharth and Avneet found themselves getting along well after the party.

Avneet decided to text, saying, "Hey, it's Avneet. How about working on our project together at my place?"

Quickly, Siddharth "Sure, address please?"

Avneet declined the girls night offer. And now she was waiting for Siddharth to come over to her place.

After a while, Siddharth finally arrived. Avneet couldn't resist a playful comment, "Can you ever come on time?"

Siddharth, with a teasing flirtatious tone, fired back, "Are you that eager to see me?" He smirked and winked taking a step closer to her.

Avneet stepped back, feeling a bit flustered. "No, not at all" she quickly replied, immediately starting to walk inside. Siddharth smiled and followed her lead.

"We should start working on our project without any delay," Avneet suggested.

Siddharth, with a casual wave, responded, "Relax my girl, we have a whole week to complete it, and the entire night to us."

As they settled down to start the project, Siddharth playfully remarked, "Are you not going to offer me anything?"

Avneet asked, "Should I make some coffee?"

"Sounds nice, a good kick to start working."

Avneet rose from her chair, and headed towards the kitchen. She returned with two steaming mugs, offered one to him and placed another on the side table.

As the night progressed, Siddharth cracked joke in between and took occasional break. Surprisingly, working with him turned out to be much easier than Avneet had thought.

Checking the clock, Avneet noticed it was already around 10, and decided to call it a day. Just then, her phone rang, "Jay?"

She continued the conversation, "I am so tired, getting ready for bed. Do you mind if I call you tomorrow and update you? Thank you. Yeah, bye, I love you too."

Siddharth couldn't help but ask, "Boyfriend?"

Avneet shook her head. "No, my brother."

A mischievous smile played on Siddharth's lips "So, you don't have a boyfriend?"

"No," Avneet replied.

"Thank God," Siddharth exclaimed relief. "It would have been such a pity if I couldn't take this beautiful girl on a date."

Avneet was caught off guard by Siddharth's unexpected comment.

Siddharth, sensing the effect of his words, decided to shift the mood back to a lighter tone. "So, no boyfriend, but would you consider joining me for a coffee sometime?" he proposed with a teasing grin.

Avneet, still recovering from the playful remark, chuckled "Coffee sounds good, but I'll have to think about that date invitation."

As they stepped outside the room, rain was pouring heavily.

Siddharth, looking at the downpour, remarked, "Looks like fate wants me to crash here tonight. Do you mind, Avneet? It's raining heavily, it's not safe to drive."

Reluctantly, she agreed, "Okay." She showed him the guest room, and they both went to their room.

At night, as Siddharth made his way to the kitchen, he heard some noise from Avneet's room. Entering her room, he found her struggling with a nightmare.

"Avneet, are you okay?" asked worried.

"Please no, no, it cannot be, no," she murmured, sweat forming on her forehead.

Siddharth held her hand and gently patted her. "Shh, Avi, it's okay. I am here."

In her sleep, Avneet called out, "Sid" and he chose to stay by her side throughout the night.

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