Chapter Five

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Avneet tossed and turned throughout the night, unable to sleep. Amidst a mix of emotions, it was not sadness or the thrill of a first kiss, but a heavy feeling of guilt. It made the night restless, as the internal struggle with guilt was killing her from within.

The boy, bubbling with excitement, earnestly asked, "Rabbit, can I marry you after we grow up?"
The little girl responded, "It might be too early to tell."
Undeterred, the boy declared, "I'm certain you're the one for me. I know you are going to be a beautiful woman, and I want no regrets."
A warm smile was placed on her face as she replied, "I believe it won't be so bad, considering I can already see a very handsome man in you." Both of them smiled.

Tears escaped her eyes, as she traced the bittersweet memories within her heart.

Her voice caught in choke, as she whispered an apology, "I am sorry, Bandar," with the weight of regret lingering in the air.

A knock was heard through the door, pulling her back to the present moment. It was already morning, and she realized she had spent the entire night without a wink of sleep.

"Avneet Kaur, are you in there?" Anushka's voice rang out. She swung the door open, letting the trio inside.

"Why are you all here so early?" Avneet questioned, a hint of frustration evident from her lack of sleep.

Anushka, as she settled herself, retorted, "Why the morning fuss?" She continued after settling herself comfortably, "Vaish mentioned you seemed a bit off last night, so we decided to drop by and see what happened."

"Everything's okay, you guys can leave."

"Avu, are you sure?" Jannat asked, with a concerned voice.

"I promise, I'm fine."

"Great, then let's go shopping. I'm in the mood to find something new for tonight's party." Anushka exclaimed in her usual carefree tone.

"Okay, just give me few minutes. Help yourselves, there should be some snacks around" Avneet said as she left, hearing a collective 'okay.'

Vaishnavi followed her "Avu, are you really okay?"

Avneet nodded "Yes, Vaishu."

"What happened last night?"

"Can we please not talk about this?"

As time passed the girls fully immersed themselves in shopping, eating delicious meals, and pampering at the spa. As evening fell, they finally settled for the day at Anushka's place.

"Guys, do you mind if I skip the party tonight?" Avneet hesitated to ask.

"Why?" inquired the trio.

"I just don't feel like going."

In the end, the trio convinced Avneet to join them. Reluctantly, she agreed, and together they drove to the party location.

Upon entering the party, they found the room jam-packed. Avneet spotted Siddharth, flirting with two girls at his side.

Anushka, with her usual enthusiasm, dragged everyone towards the drinks. At the counter, they encountered Faisu and Abhishek.

Anushka asked "Where is Riyaz?" while sipping her drink.

Faisu responded, "Probably surrounded by some girls," his eyes scanned the room for a glimpse of him.

Anushka looked disappointed and sad, but she regained her composure. With renewed energy, she grabbed Jannat and Faisu, pulling them towards the dance floor.

Observing this, Abhishek grinned and remarked to Vaishnavi, "She is so full of energy," to which Vaishnavi nodded in agreement, saying, "I know, right?"

As the trio lost themselves in the rhythm of the music, Anushka felt a hand slip around her waist. Turning to look, she found Riyaz and a smile crossed her face.

As Abhishek and Vaishnavi engaged in lively conversation over drinks, Avneet sat beside Vaishnavi, staring at her drink, lost in thoughts. She sighed and headed out.

Siddharth noticed her and decided to follow her outside. "Avneet?" he called out as they finally stepped into the open air.

Avneet turned back, and she caught sight of Siddharth, in his usual charm. Unbeknownst to her, Siddharth was lost in his thoughts, captivated by how beautiful Avneet looked in the moonlight.

"Siddharth?" Avneet called out, breaking him from his thoughts.

He snapped back to the present, he stared blankly for a few seconds before he finally uttered, "Avneet, can we talk about yesterday?" The air filled with tension.

"Siddharth, I am aware you're popular, and girls are dying for your attention. But I don't want to be just another one of your playthings." Avneet asserted with a mix of sincerity and vulnerability.

Siddharth responded, "Avneet, I truly didn't mean to make you feel that way. In the heat of the moment, we were so close, and I don't know what came over me. I just kissed you. I am genuinely sorry." He sound regretful for his action.

A soft smile placed on Avneet's lips as she listened to his sincere confession.

Siddharth continued, "I hope we can have a fresh start." She nodded in agreement.

Avneet felt that there was an inexplicable feeling, perhaps in the shared similarity of their names or their behavior. She considered giving him a chance. A thought lingering in her mind perhaps he would have been like Siddharth if he was still around.

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