Chapter 7

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Zoro's pov
It has been a few days, we had to delay our departure from Skypiea per Choppers orders, once she's able to walk we're gonna leave. Y/n was sleeping a lot but when she did wake up she pushed herself to speak and move. Chopper ordered that she stay in bed for about a week, maybe two to be on the safe side. I don't really know what to think. I feel like this is all my fault. I can't bear to see her hurt, hearing her voice strain or crack pains me because I know it's from the pain. I had been staying with her after we got her back onto the ship, I had been sitting on the floor propped up against her bed. Today, while she was sleeping, I had to leave. I needed fresh air, to think. I know it probably wasn't the best solution but I'll go back in a bit. I went to the kitchen since I didn't really feel like training at the moment.

I walk in and see Sanji. 'Of course..' I thought agitated, I mean what did I expect? He's our cook after all. He turns to look at me. "I'm shocked to see you here." He said in a low tone. "Yeah.. me too" I mumbled as I walked my way to the fridge to grab alcohol. "I've never seen you look like that. You look defeated." He was smoking and drying a glass. "It feels that way.." I muttered. I hear him sigh. "It's not your fault. It's no one's. She's okay now. Yeah she's a little banged up but she'll heal in a week. She's always been the fastest healer out of everyone." He said exhaling the smoke of his cigarette.

I sat at the table in my usual seat. "I can't bear to see her like that Sanji." I place my hands on my forehead, moving it slowly through my hair. "You love her don't ya." He placed the glass down, leaning against the counter to look at me. I throw a glare at him but it quickly faded, I nod slowly, taking a drink of the alcohol. "Just as I thought." He sighed. "Is it obvious?" I said as I closed my eyes.

"Oh hell yeah it is. You're so rude to everyone except her. You don't get as pissed at Luffy but you never get mad at her. The way you look at her and act around her. Someone that's an idiot could even tell." He chuckled. "Unless it's Luffy." I added to his comment. I slump down letting my head hang. Sanji was just looking at me, waiting for me to say what's on my mind. "I almost told her... that I loved her Sanji.." I admitted.

"Almost?" He raised an eyebrow. "When she woke up on the night we were celebrating.. I wanted to tell her right then and there but I didn't" I sighed. "You dumbass." He face palms himself. "I know, I know. Right as I almost said it I knew if I let the words slip she'd jump up causing her to hurt herself and I already can't stand hearing her talk because I know every word causes her more pain." I rambled.

He laughed at my rambling. "You don't have to explain Zoro, I get it. I probably would have done the same" he says. Me and him continued talking for a bit, there was no argument or debate, just talking. After a while I decided to go back to Y/n. "Thank you Love Cook." I said in a genuine voice. "It's no problem Mosshead. Now go back to your woman." He exhales some smoke and I nod. I walk down to Y/n's room.

'She's sleeping.' I thought. I walked over to her and pull her hair out of her face. Her eyes were red and puffy. 'I'm sorry Y/n.. I hope I didn't cause this..' I stare at her tear stained face for a few moments, before I kiss her forehead. I knew I didn't cause it by hurting her or her feelings but I felt like the pain caused by her injuries were my fault. I sit back down where I was seated a few moments earlier, leaning my head against the mattress. I couldn't sleep at all the last few days so I just shut my eyes.

**The middle of the night**

I open my eyes in the middle of the night, hearing whimpering and a few sobs. I stand up to see her crying in her sleep. I lean over her, stroking her hair. "Hey.. I'm here.. you're okay.." I said. Her lip was quivering. She laid on her side so I climbed in her bed beside her and as gently as possible pulled her close. I kissed her forehead and she stopped crying all together. I sighed in relief.

~My Love is Yours~ (Zoro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now