Chapter 5

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**Middle of the Night**

Y/n's Pov
   I wake up in the middle of the night feeling miserable. As I rub the sleep out of my eyes I realize how warm I am. I also feel arms around me. "lay back down..." the voice says in a sleepy, irritated tone. "Z-Zoro..?" I turn around to see him laying on his side behind me.

"I'm sorry.. you wouldn't let me go in your sleep and I just couldn't help myself.. I just laid next to you and.. you put your head against my chest.. I didn't want to disturb you.." he says softly. His head was lightly pressed against my neck, I could feel his warm breath against my back. "I-it's okay.." I stutter over my words knowing I was blushing hard.

   "Do you want me to go..? If you're uncomfortable tell me and I can go.." he asked me with softness in his tone. I didn't know he was capable of speaking in such a way. I loved it. "No.. Stay.." I said in a whisper, I could feel a smile form against my neck. "Do you need more medicine..?" He asked quietly, he propped his head up with his hand, gazing at me in a way I've never seen before. I nod at him and he slowly gets up, he hands me a pill and some water. I close my eyes for a moment, feeling the pill go down my throat.

   As my eyes are closed, I feel a hand against my forehead, then the back of a hand against my neck. "Your fever has gone down, you're less warm." He said with a smile. "I just want to get better already" I whine, I set my water down on the table next to my bed. I felt a pair of hands cup my face, "Then dry your hair correctly next time." His eyes were usually always in a glaring state, but the way he was looking at me was different. He wasn't glaring at me, he looked at me with care in his eyes. His touch was so gentle.

Zoro stayed with me the entire night. I didn't want that moment to end. Throughout the night I could feel him tuck pieces of my hair behind my ear. His aura didn't feel forceful, cold, harsh. Instead his aura felt calming, warm, and loving. I would have never thought I'd experience his aura shift as since I've known him, his aura has never once changed.

He held me through out the night. I didn't know if he slept at all. In the morning, I sat up on the bed. I brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on my knees. I had a pounding headache. I felt arms wrap around me, it was Zoro again. He pulled me into his lap. "How are you feeling" he asked groggily, he began rubbing circles on my back. "My head hurts.." I groan. I feel him bring his hand up and rub my head softly, I lean into his hand.

Zoro's Pov
Watching and feeling her lean into my hand made me blush a bit. I just wanted to take care of her, I hated seeing her like this. I reach over to the table next to her bed and grab more of her medicine, along with some water. "Here take your medicine." I said to her. She nodded and took it. "I hate pills" she mumbled. She leaned into my chest. 'God I feel my face getting hot' I tried to keep my composure so she wouldn't see me blush. Soon Sanji shouted that breakfast was ready. "I'll be right back okay?" I said, she had a sort of pout on her face that made me smile.

   I walked up into the kitchen, I grabbed Y/n's breakfast. "Hey Lovecook, we got any orange juice?" I asked looking at him with a glare. "It's in the fridge dumbass." He scoffed. I rolled my eyes at him. I pour a glass of orange juice for Y/n. I make my way down to Y/n's room again. "Here, make sure you drink this. Orange juice is the best when you're sick and helps you get better faster" I say as I hand her the glass and the plate. "Thank you Zoro" she says with a smile. I nod back at her with a small smile".

**Few Hours Later**

"GUYS WE MADE IT TO-" Nami cut her sentence off after she came bursting through the door. I was holding Y/n close to me as she slept, I glare at her for being so loud. "Shut up Nami. She's trying to sleep. I'll keep watch of the boat for now." I muttered. "Oh. My. God." She said in a whisper shout. Nami had a shocked look on her face. "Can you get out? You're loud as hell." I remarked. Nami finally left. Y/n began to toss and turn in the bed and ended up waking herself. She had a bright look on her face. "Someone's feeling better." I said with a small smile.

   I wanted to keep taking care of her but I knew she couldn't be sick forever. Y/n got up to take a shower, and I went up on deck. I rested my back against the wood. After about 30 minutes, Y/n came walking out....with wet hair. "Nope." I get up and throw Y/n over my shoulder , carrying her to her room. She was squirming trying to get out of my grip but I didn't let her go.

Once we got to her room I start to dry her hair properly. She begins to whine "Noooo let me goo!" trying to squirm out of my grasp "Not a chance. You already got sick, we aren't gonna have a repeat." I said to her, not in a mean way but in a stern way. She stopped whining and let me help her dry her hair the proper way.

   Once I was done drying her hair, she sighed and leaned into my chest. I froze, I didn't want to move. I feared I'd disturb her or possibly even hurt her. That's what I didn't want to ever do. Ever. Soon she got up and she wasn't leaning on me anymore. "I don't think I've ever gotten better so fast before" she said with a smile. "Thank you, Zoro" she said still smiling. She got up on her knees and leaned in. She kissed me on the cheek. 'Fuck fuck fuck don't react stay cool' saying that did absolutely nothing for me and I was completely red.

   Before she had a chance to get up I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulled her into my lap and buried my face in the her neck. I hear her giggle "what? I was just saying thank you" I could hear it in her voice, she knew what she was doing. I kiss her collar bone. I lifted my head up "what? I was just saying thank you" I said sarcastically. She was so red.

She started hitting my shoulder causing me to laugh. "J-jackass!" She said in a whisper shout. I couldn't help but grin at her. It had finally hit me, I'm falling for her. My face had gone serious and she cupped my face with her hands. "What's wrong?" She questioned. "Nothing, I'm fine" I gave her a reassuring expression.

Y/n's pov
   Ive been enjoying my time with Zoro, he's so sweet. Well to me at least, a few hours ago him and Sanji were arguing, calling each other names and such. Then when Nami tried stopping them they all started arguing. It made me chuckle that's for sure. After thanking Zoro, he kissed my collar bone. 'DID- DID HE JUST KISS MY COLLAR BONE?!' I thought my face turning red, I started to ramble in my mind but it quickly came to a stop. Zoro's face had turned into a serious expression.

  I asked if he were okay and he told me he was fine. I couldn't help but not believe him. 'Maybe he realized I'm not for him' I thought 'no don't overthink this. It could be as simple as he forgot to do something up deck' I reassured myself, but it didn't help at all. Soon there was an insanely loud boom outside.

"What the fuck?" Zoro said in shock. He softly pushed me off his lap and sprinted out my room with his swords. "Stay here and rest! I'll check it out, you're still sick so stay inside!" he shouted. I got nervous. What's happening out there? The sound was so loud it was almost like a gods wrath. "Please be careful" I mumbled.

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