Chapter 2

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Y/n Pov
It was weird talking to Zoro so openly, I mean, I had only just met him yet here we were talking like we were old friends. His eyes were closed with an emotionless expression, yet I knew he was listening to every word I spoke. He would ask me questions here and there, and I would answer truthfully. "So.. where did you get each of your swords?" I see his eyebrow raise slightly. "The white one is a gift from someone I used to know. These I got at some shop in Loguetown" He kept the information minimal, especially quiet about the white one. I wonder if it was given by a lover or maybe a relative. I shook my head, he obviously didn't want to talk about it.. so I didn't push or poke at him with questions.

"What kind of Devil fruit did you eat?" He asked. I take my eyes off of the beautiful sunset and waves to look at him, he had one of his eyes open so I knew he was curious. "I ate the Druid-Druid Fruit.. it allows me to turn into animals that match my strength as well as animals below my strength. The fruit gave me some healing abilities and some handy attacks." He looks at me with the curiosity of a child. I grin and I turn into a mouse, I run around him and climb up his back, scurrying into his palm, which he opened. "Aren't you an interesting one.." He said with his eyebrow raised. I turn into a Hawk and bowed my head at him, soon hopping off his hand and sat in my original spot. Turning back into my human form. "That's pretty cool." He smiled lightly with a little blush on the tip of his ears.

It was nice talking to him, he had such a calming presence. I loved it. It's quite hard for me to open up quickly, but it came so naturally when I was around him. I knew he enjoyed talking to me too, as he kept asking me questions to keep the conversation going. Soon, night fell. I yawned and told Zoro goodnight. "Goodnight, Y/n" He smiled at me. I felt my face heat up, and I already knew I was red. How embarrassing. As I was climbing down the latter to get to the deck, I saw him turn his head away and his ears blush a bright red. I chuckled on the inside. I slowly walked to my room, excited to sleep on an actual bed for the first time in 7 years. "Hell yes" I muttered and plopped down on the bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out cold.

Zoro's Pov
   'She's so..' I shake my head. 'I can't be having thoughts like that. I just met her, I won't allow it. At least not now.. I want to learn more about her.' I close my eyes pondering again, my arms crossed. Soon it was morning, I opened my eyes and I heard Sanji in the kitchen. "God damn. Does that Curly Brow ever sleep?" I grumble, climbing down the rope ladder. 'I want a drink' I thought as I walked towards the kitchen. Me and Sanji were arguing..again.. soon the door opened, it was Y/n. She was in some pajama shorts and a baggy top. She rubbed her eyes, trying to get rid of the sleepiness.

    "Hey guys" she mumbled. I nodded in her direction and the stupid Love Cook started drooling over her. "It's too early for this" she groaned throwing her head back. With her head thrown back, her neck was exposed. The tips of my ears blushed, the thought of kissing her neck.. oh god... I need to snap out of it. I shut my eyes tightly. "Zoro" she said in a soft voice. I open one eye, peeking out to see where she was. She was on her tiptoes trying to get on eye level with me. I tried keeping my composure. "What is it Y/n?" I said quickly. "Nothing I was just making sure you were okay.." she smiled at me. God why did she smile at me like that? "I'm fine, just tired" I stated. I went to the fridge, hiding a smile, and grabbed a drink. I soon walked out of the kitchen and climbed up back to the crows nest.

Y/n Pov
As I was on my tiptoes to gain eye level on Zoro, I studied his face, his body movements. He was so hard to read. He knew to keep his expressions and body language in check. After I had spoke his name and asked if he were okay, he grabbed some alcohol and walked out. "It's normal for him." Sanji started "I will say that he's warming up to you, I've never seen the Mosshead be so tolerant with someone besides Luffy. Hell I didn't even know he could smile that much". Hearing Sanji say that made me happy, I didn't show it though. "Wait.. really?" I said with a hint excitement. "Yeah.." Sanji spoke.

The blonde headed man was cooking up some breakfast for the crew. Soon, our Captain burst through the door. "FOOOOODD!!" The rubber man shouted. Nami walked in scratching her head, "Jeez Luffy.. do you have to be so loud?" She grumbled as she sat down to get ready to eat, soon after, the rest of the crew came in. Sanji quickly served the ladies first, then everyone else. "Hey Y/n, would you be a dear and take this plate to the stupid swordsman?" Sanji spoke with an agitated look on his face. "Of course" I spoke with a wide smile on my face. I walk out the kitchen holding Zoro's plate. "Hey Zoro??" I said loud enough for anyone that was on deck or near deck to hear.

Soon I heard someone shuffle, the top of a green haired man's head popped out into view. He was climbing down the ladder to the crows nest, I met him half way and handed his plate to him. "Here, Sanji told me to give this to you" I started "I also gave you my bacon since the grease makes me feel sick" I chuckled. I saw his eyes smile a bit "Thanks Y/n". He had a mostly emotionless face but I knew he meant what he said.

   Then as quick as he came, he was gone. I smiled and shook my head. I was enjoying the view, leaning on the wooden rails of the ship. I turn to the left. "Shit!" I panicked, running to the kitchen area. "GUYS. MARINES!" Everyone perked up and quickly bolted out of the kitchen onto the deck. "GET READY" Luffy shouted with a huge grin on his face. "Heh" I chuckled. "Let's see what you can do" Zoro said appearing by my side with a smirk on his face.

   "Throw me." I stated "What?" Zoro said in shock. "Throw me as hard as you can. I'll take 3 of the ships." I looked at Zoro "Hurry there's no time." I stated in a hurry. Soon enough Zoro grabbed me and threw me with all his might. As I flew over a ship I attacked. "DRUID-DRUID SPIKE GROWTH!" I shouted, huge spikes with thorns began to sprout, tearing the ship and the ship next to it, apart in an instant. All marines that were on the ship were pierced with thorns, or the huge spikes. "Damn that had to hurt" I said.

   Quickly I turned into a Hawk, flying over another marine ship, I drop down. "DRUID-DRUID FLAME BLADE" Using what I knew about fighting with a weapon I fought all the marines in my way, occasionally using Produce Flames if the Marines got a little too close for comfort. After I took down all the Marines on that ship, I lit the ship on fire with my flames. I turned to see the other ships were sinking and destroyed. "Thank god.." I muttered to myself.

Zoro's Pov
Y/n was amazing to watch, she fought with ease using her DF powers, but needed more training with her weapon. 'We can fix that.' I thought. She flew back to the Going Merry as a seagull. I assumed it was to blend in just incase some idiot marine got smart and tried shooting at her. She transformed into her human form midair and landed on the deck without falling or stumbling. She shouted with a huge smile "SAFE!" I chuckled at her a little. "You're a decent fighter. You could use some more training with a sword though." I said to her. She chuckled and began rubbing her neck "Yeahh.. I know, I only got taught the basics as a kid." I nodded in acknowledgment.

Soon I heard Luffy shouting "Y/N THAT WAS SO COOL! DO IT AGAIN! DO IT AGAIN!" He has his hands on Y/n's shoulders shaking her. "Luffy calm down" I had a small smile on my face. "Y/N DARLING YOUR INCREDIBLE!" Sanji shouted, swaying side to side with hearts in his eyes. Luffy had start to pout. "She's not some new toy" I said "Well I know that! She's our friend! Her DF powers are so cool though!" Luffy said still pouting.

   I placed my hand over my eyes, chuckling. He was like a little kid. "All right then, since you think my powers are so cool.." Y/n had a smirk on her face and a few seconds later she turned into a rabbit. Luffy's eyes were shimmering. She then turned into a horse and kneeled down, gesturing for Luffy to hop on. She didn't even need to gesture, Luffy was already on her back telling her to go fast. After awhile she turned back into her human form. It seemed she had a thing for pleasing everyone.

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