Chapter 16

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He's content with how well the situation concluded.

His team is safe.

You were with them.

As he sat in the cortex running through the updates, he placed his cheek in his palm, letting out a content sigh. Godspeed is locked up, no longer causing havoc.

Life literally could not get any better than this.

The very object of his affections comes waltzing into the room and he straightens.

"You're always working, aren't you boss?"

Eobard grins.

"I am the leader after all. I'm just doing a sweep on our program. Caitlin does her best to provide new algorithms that assist us with stopping metas before they cause damage. The tech is more her field, so I've been trying to get more acquainted with it. It doesn't hurt to be prepared."

That is smart.

When you send him a little smile, he lets out a chuckle.

"What's with the look?"

You shrug.

"I don't know what you mean."

"Don't play coy, you just gave me a look." He's still wearing that smile.

"Completely in the dark." You respond. He just shakes his head. It's still a bit strange how normal this is.

This man used to be the biggest enemy of Team Flash, but as you look at him, you can't help but be thankful. Whatever higher power did this helped not just Eobard, but also you. You've been through quite a lot in the last few years. But even after all of that, there is still an opportunity for an ending where you can actually be happy.

It's all because of him.

You take a step, placing your hand on his cheek, and words seem to have fallen from his lips. His gaze is now fully fixed on you. You're not sure what exactly that you've done to deserve the level of love that is displayed on this man's face when he looks at you. He wears the badge of a leader, and he does his best to appear strong in every aspect. But when he looks at you, his feelings are always written all over his face.

It's actually very adorable.

Although you both know how you feel, nothing has truly been said about your relationship. Especially after those countless kisses that seem to just occur at such a bad time.

Yet, right now, there's no enemy attacking.

Nor is there some word changing event.

It's just the two of you right now.

You can be honest.

"Eobard, would you..would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?"

You can see the surprise so easily written on his face.

"A..A date?"


You need to be extremely clear, because you don't want any more misunderstandings. Nor do you intend to waste any more time beating around the bush.

"I'd love to." Eobard replies.

Your smile is difficult to hide. He lifts his hand, placing it gently over yours. When he stands, you anticipate his next move. Eobard takes a step and as he's about to lean in, the alarm goes off. Both of you turn to the computer, and Eobard lowers his head with a little laugh.

"I swear our biggest enemy is poor timing."

You can't help but agree with a giggle.

"You might be right."

He's still fairly close. Eobard leaves a kiss on your cheek.

"Let's go stop some bad guys."

You nod, as you both take off in a rush of sparks. 

Eobard Thawne (Flash) AUWhere stories live. Discover now