Chapter 13

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"We all know the plan." Eobard asks.

"Try not to die." Bart snarks. Caitlin rolls her eyes.

"If anything happens, we protect the city. " Iris responds.

Eobard nods.

He looks back at the team.

"If this ends up being the last time we all see each other, I just want you guys to know how much this team means to me. How much you all mean to me." 

Iris looks close to tears. So does Caitlin, but she's doing her best to mask it.

"I hate it when you get all emotional. What do you mean if you see us again? You better come back. You owe me like twenty bucks." Bart grumbles. 

Eobard just smiles at his friend. The witty quips would always be something that he appreciated. Even if Bart was annoying most times. He gives Bart a pat, and you all sort of give silent goodbyes. Your eyes move to Barry who's been a bit quiet through the whole ordeal.

All you can do at the moment is hold onto hope. You turn your back. Barry and Eobard follow suit. The wind whips, and it's not long before the three of you are pulling up to the plant on the other side of the city.

You come to stop right outside the restricted area that is blocked by gates.

Godspeed is standing right there, looking fairly proud of himself.

Now standing face to face with this speedster, you aren't sure what to feel.

No one really makes a move. Because his plan is still undetermined. You can't take the chance of just rushing in. He's been here for a while, so there's no doubt there could be traps set around.

"I see you brought back up."

Godspeed snickers.

"I knew you would."

It's still a bit hard to process. In your reality, you were an only child. Your parents had died far too young for them to even consider giving you a sibling. But now Bart and the others were telling you that the sibling that you grew up with killed your parents.


Your tone is unsteady.

Godspeed doesn't say anything, not immediately. When he reaches behind and removes his cowl, your heart staggers at his face.

He's a spitting image of you. So it appears that you are actually twins. His grin widens at the pain that's expressed on your face.

"Even now you're acting like the victim." He tilts his head in a taunting way.

"I spent my entire life living in your shadow. All I could hear was how smart (Y/N) was, how bright your future would be. I became a freaking engineer at Mercury Labs, but did they praise me? NO!! All I got was a good job son, we knew you could do it and a pat on the back. Then I was forgotten. It was torture." 

His fingers twitch, and you can see the white sparks.

"But then you got those powers, and that was the last straw. It was like you were flaunting your fortune in my face. Laughing at me. So I played your game. Smiled at you for months while you used your powers to help all those insignificant insects that couldn't see true potential if it hit them in the face."

Eobard's eyes are hard. They hold nothing but anger.

"I waited until you were at your happiest. That's when I made you watch as I ripped our parents hearts right out of their chests." 

A single tear runs down your cheek, and Eobard can no longer stop himself. Jaw clenched, he pushes forward. It's so sudden that you flinch, and the second he's within range, Godspeed extends his arm and knocks him right in the throat. His body crashes to the ground and Godspeed kneels with his hand right over Eobard's chest.

Your breath stops.

"Please..don't.." You beg.

Eobard knows that another careless move can cost him his life, so he doesn't move.

Neither does Barry.

"Did you think your little cheer squad could stop me? I'm a god (Y/N). When they talk about the fastest speedster alive, no one will remember you, or this so-called flash." Godspeed presses his knee into Eobard's shoulder and he groans in pain.

"No, one will ever forget my name. They didn't appreciate me as a hero, so they are going to fear me as a villain."

As he lifts his hand that begins to vibrate, you feel everything slow down. 

It's unclear if you've moved. Your eyes track it all. Barry's body is bent in a running position. Godspeed's hand is moving closer to its target, and Eobard appears to be putting up resistance.

"I won't hurt you."

"Loving you was the best thing to happen to me."

"I'll do everything in my power to help you (Y/N). You're a part of us. You're a part of this team. Our family."

All of Eobard's words are running through your head. The hate you'd felt for him when you first got here.

Then the confusion.

The relief.

The love.

He'd endured it all for you. He'd lived most of his life as a soldier that was built to protect you.

Your eyes close, and you let out one breath.

A single breath.

The lightning feels as though it's rushing through your veins. You can't explain why, but your body feels light. 


Movement feels effortless.

You take a single step, and just like that, you're right beside Eobard. You take his hand, and the pink sparks of your lightning rush all over his body. The very second that Godspeed's hand makes contact, he's struck with a bolt of lightning. It's neither red, nor pink. It's a golden color. The second it lands, time returns to normal, and his body flies all the way across the other side of the road. He crashes into the ground.

Barry skids against the dirt, catching himself when he's right next to you.


Eobard looks around stunned.

"What just happened.."

He's still lying on the ground. He looks at you, connects hands, and you smile down at him, helping him to his feet. When he's upright, he just watches you as if he stares long enough it'll clear up everything.


Godspeed's timbered voice rings. You can see the panic of both Barry and Eobard.

You turn to him the second he races forward. With both your hands lifted, lightning extends from your palms, striking him right in his chest. Godspeed drops to his knees screaming, and Barry and Eobard can only stare.

"I'd never kill my own flesh and blood, but your days connected to the speedforce are over."

For the first time, Godspeed is terrified.

"You have abused their power."

When they see the lighting that is now present in your irises, doubled with the sparks actively jumping off your body, it becomes clear that this was completely out of their hands. Your face holds nothing but sympathy for the man before. You had hoped that it would be different. The second the lightning from your hands dissipates, Godspeed shakes. He looks disoriented. He turns his hands over, and when no energy follows, that's when it becomes real.


The lightning retracts into your body. When you approach him, you kneel right in front of him. Sliding the meta cuffs out of your belt, you restrain him. You can tell from the broken look in his eyes that he won't put up a fight.

"I'm sorry, brother."

His head hangs low. 

Eobard Thawne (Flash) AUWhere stories live. Discover now