Chapter 15

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The break that was needed after that whole ordeal would be extensive. But for now, you settled for retiring to your apartment.

Eobard has joined you. It's more for peace of mind. He'd been fairly quiet after you announced your stay. Now in the comfort of your home, you give a little stretch. There's no speedster outfits. You've changed into casual wear. Here, you're not crime fighting heroes, just people. Dropping on your bed, you let out a heavy sigh. It's weird not having a big bad to chase.

You turn to Eobard who still looks a bit lost in his thoughts.


"You stayed. " He interrupts.

"You don't sound too happy about it." You tease.

He won't look at you.

"I really thought that you would leave. I-I wasn't sure how to feel. I wanted to be happy. More than anything. But the thought of you disappearing and never coming back was terrifying."

Now his silence makes sense.

You take a step.

"I'm sorry it took me so long."

He doesn't get why you're apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry about. More than anything, he's happy that he'll be able to feel your touch right now. See that gentle smile you use to reassure him that he isn't dreaming. He closes his eyes, pressing his forehead to yours.

"I love you."

Your smile is much brighter.

"I love you too, Eobard."

His entire body becomes still. When he pulls back slowly and stares at you, he's completely stunned. You just keep a brilliant smile.

"I love you."

You repeat.

He's ecstatic.

You're tackled to the bed, both of your laughs filling the room.

~Star Labs~

Iris couldn't remember the last time she felt this accomplished. More often than not these cases ended badly. Being a part of a hero team was hard when everyone else had a superpower. She'd grown used to being the brains behind the operation. It came with its own battles.

This time everyone was okay.

Godspeed was locked up and you were safe. Life could not get any better.

"I figured you would still be here." Barry walks from around the corner and Iris sends a smile.

"It's crazy. So much has happened in such a small space of time. " Barry nods.

"It is a little crazy. I'm really happy we got (Y/N) back."

Iris nods.

"Me too."

They were all sad when they thought you would return home. In a way they understood it was selfish to keep you here, but they couldn't help it.


She looks up, adjusting her glasses. She doesn't expect him to be this close. She means to say something.

"W-What is it?"

She feels as though her glasses will get foggy from the heat that is no doubt steaming from her cheeks. He smiles at the adorable reaction. He takes another step, and when his hand slides across her waist, she feels like her body will combust.

"With all that's happened I feel like I need to be completely honest about how I feel about you. I know that I joke a lot so it's hard to take me seriously. But the one thing I never want you to question is how I feel about you. Iris I..I'm in love with you.."

Her heart is pounding. How many times has she had this dream?"

Swallowing her fears, she smiles.

"I-I'm in love with me too. I-I mean you! I'm in love with you!!" She clarifies. Her babblings continue, and he brushes the hair away from her eyes. It finally halts her racing words.

"I'm really glad. I'm sorry it took so long."

Iris shakes her head, the tears running down her cheeks as she smiles the biggest she ever has.

"You're just in time." She claims.

He mirrors that expression, a bit speechless when she grabs his collar and pulls him in from a kiss. He barely processes what's happening until he feels her push him against a wall. He moans, and she pulls back for a second, discarding her glasses. He swallows at the hungry look in her eyes.

"Gotta marry this woman.."

He intends to follow through too.

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