Chapter 9

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The next couple days are a bit tense. No one knows when or where Godspeed will attack. It feels like they are extra vigilant. Especially Eobard. The more time passes the angrier he gets and you can tell it's starting to have a strain on the team.

When you walk into the lab one evening to the four of them in a circle pulling straws, you're confused.

"What are you guys doing?"

Iris jumps.


You can't believe this.

"Are you guys really pulling straws to see who gets to talk to Eobard!"

Barry rubs the back of his neck. Cisco and Caitlin don't even look guilty.

"You have to admit he's been a little overbearing. Yesterday I went out for lunch without telling him and he bit my head off. I can't control my stomach!!" Barry complains. You sigh.

"I'll talk to Eobard."

You can see the wave of relief on their faces.

"That's great. He's madly in love with you so whatever you say he's gonna eat it up." Barry responds. Caitlin smacks his shoulder.

"What! It's true."

These people will never stop being your biggest source of entertainment.

As promised, that evening you invite Eobard over to your apartment. You told him it was to discuss the plans that will be implemented for Godspeed. When he walks through your door, he's wearing that stoic expression.

"I'm glad at least some of us are taking this seriously. " It's not surprising that he has a very thick folder in his hand. Along with his laptop.

"I've been tracking his movements from the last time in hopes that it'll give us an idea of where he's holding up. He must be supercharging his speed somehow. If we can figure out the materials he'd need, maybe we can form a profile of where he'll be next." Eobard sits on your couch, opening his laptop as he spreads the papers along the table and gets right to work.

This might be harder than you thought. You stride over to the couch, taking a seat next to him.

"Eobard, how about you take a break."

"We don't have time for breaks." His eyes are focused as he's typing away on his laptop.

"Come on, I'll make you a nice smoothie and we can just watch a movie or something."

"I've got to finish this profile." He's still not truly listening. So you take matters into your own hands. You take the laptop from his hands, closing in and placing it on the table.

"What are you doing!"

"I'm trying to stop you from going down this rabbit hole. You've been working non stop for the past week. You need a break. The team needs a break."

Recognition crosses his face.

"Is that why you invited me here? I can't believe that you all actually had an intervention. Have I become so annoying that you felt like you had to butter me up. Sorry I'm such a nuisance. But it's clear I'm the only one who's focused on what's really important. " He looks upset.

"And what's important?"

"Are you kidding me! IT'S PROTECTING YOU!" He's never really yelled at you before. You can tell he's apologetic the second the words come out. But you aren't swayed. Eobard looks down.

"I'm sorry I.." He's not sure what words to use. You just shift closer, taking his hand gently in yours.

"I know you're scared. I understand." His shoulders drop.

Eobard Thawne (Flash) AUWhere stories live. Discover now