Chapter 4

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A part of you was still trying to grasp what happened that night. 

It still does not feel real. 

Eobard Thawne had provided you comfort. You can still feel his arms around your body and it leaves you unsettled.

"This is your apartment." Iris states. You tune back in.

"Thank you Iris."

Since that night, you formed somewhat of a temporary alliance. You promised not to instigate anymore fights between Eobard. The team seemed overall relieved. They were all trying to help you make sense of this. Iris presently didn't have all the answers. So while they all worked together to form a solution, Cisco suggested that you fall back into normal life. Just until they could come up with something solid and safe to get you back.

It was an agreement that you had no choice but to go with. When Iris volunteered to help you get settled, you were relieved. Luckily your apartment had not changed. Unfortunately your occupation had taken a drastic turn. Instead of a coffee barista, you were a college professor. Teaching psychology of all things. This reality really liked messing with you.

So now Iris was giving you a tour of what your life was like here. You were grateful for her help.

"Thank you. I think I can handle it from here."

"Are you sure? I don't mind staying."

"I'm sure, thank you."

She nods, politely excusing herself. As she's on her way out, you spot the head of blond hair. She gives him a pat on the shoulder, and Eobard knocks on the door.

"Can I come in?"

You nod a bit cautiously. He steps in closing the door, and you physically have to tell your body that it should relax. Your eyes run over his casual wear. He was still wearing his CSI badge. Just off from work it seems.

This would never not be weird.

"You're really not him."

This is the first time you've spoken to him and it's not laced with venom.

"I'm me. That's who I've been all my life. Whatever that man did, it wasn't me. He's not me."

He looks sincerely hurt. This is still so strange.

Eobard Thawne is not only the Flash in this reality, but he's standing in your apartment and not trying to impale you.

"When they told you about your parents you didn't seem that shocked."

You shrugged.

"I lost them when I was a baby. There's not much to remember. Can't feel sad about something I never had.."

That's a painful revelation.

"So you've always been alone?"

You don't answer his question, but he notices the tension in your muscles. Maybe he should change the subject.

"Before when you explained your predicament, you said that Cisco made a device?"

You nod.

Although you're beginning to get into the whole alternate reality situation, being close to Eobard still brings a bit of unease Especially after you'd practically wept in his arms already. The way he held you, so close, so lovingly.

You glance at him, and he doesn't miss it. The war going on in your head as you try to read him.

He breaks eye contact.

"I don't think you erased him. I believe that whatever that device did, it must have changed you. Changed us."

Your brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

He takes a seat, running a hand through his hair as he explains.

"This Eobard Thawne, if he's a true enemy, then he will live. In order to maintain the timeline he will survive in one way or another. So in this universe, rather than the threat you remember, it's just me. "

A part of you didn't want to believe it. But Barry told you of his travels to other earths.

It was just hard for you to believe that this version of Thawne was The Flash.

You kept waiting for some master plan. But Barry was alive in this universe as well. If this was the original Thawne, he would have killed him by now. This isn't a situation where he needs Barry to get back to his time. This Barry doesn't even have speed. He could easily take him down. Instead they are friends.

Family even.

Everything was warped here.

"I promise whoever you know, that's not me. You're my friend. I would never do anything to hurt you."

Those green eyes looked so sincere. You almost want to believe him.

But you couldn't let your guard down.

"I want to be alone for a while."

You need some distance to fully process.

This life could be yours now permanently.

You need time to accept that you may never get out of here.

"I understand. If you need anything, just call."

You don't even reply, and he's gone in a flash of red sparks.

This would take a lot of adjusting. 

Eobard Thawne (Flash) AUWhere stories live. Discover now