The End Of The First And The Final

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Y/n was sent the chart that Rey used to get to Exagol, and she set off in a Resistance Shuttle. Her heart was beating out of her chest, feeling more and more tense as she reached the Unknown Region.

All her mind was thinking about was Rey... she could practically feel her fear.

"Be calm, Rey..." She muttered, hoping the girl could hear her "Help is on the way..."

Y/n finally jumped out of lightspeed... and the sheer number of Star Destroyers that were there was more than she could ever imagine.

"Oh hell..." She barely whispered, too shocked to exclaim.

But she pushed her shock aside, and landed the ship on the ground, seeing her Uncle's X-WING sat on the ground too.

She lifted herself up and out of the shuttle she rode in, and felt the freezing cold air hit her. Everything was dark and almost smokey with all of the dust that had been collecting over time.

The most unbearable force to run towards a large... cave? She wasn't sure what it was, but it looked dark and huge... Rey was in there.

She was about to bolt inside... when another ship stared to land behind her.

Her instincts kicked in and took her lightsaber from her belt while igniting it, and pointed it at the ship.

The engine stopped... and the cockpit lid opened.

Ben Solo stepped out...

Not Kylo Ren...

Y/n let out a shaky breath off relief, and deactivated her saber...

"Ben..?" She whispered, her voice filled with hope.

The Solo son stood there... and nodded very lightly... but it was enough for Y/n to run into her brother's arms and hold him tightly.

"I knew it..." She wept "I knew you were still in there..."

"I'm so sorry for everything, Y/n..." He said onto her neck as he held her "There is no way of fixing what I've done and who I've killed..."

"But you're here now." Y/n pulled away "And you here forever..."

Both siblings looked at each other in adoration, and then sprinted towards Rey, not knowing what they were getting themselves into...

Rey immediately sensed the two siblings running towards her direction...

She knew they were going to help her...

The woman looked to her grandfather... and nodded to him.

"Good..." Palpatine smiled sadistically "The ritual begins!"

All of the Sith disciples around them in the arena, chanted in an unknown language

"She will strike me down and pledge herself as a Sith!"

The chanting continued...

Ben and Y/n were running around and down all of the tunnels of the cave, Ben shooting Palpatine's guards as they ran.

"Which way?!" Ben called to his sister.

"I thin it's right around..."

As they both turned the corner... Ben's Knights of Ren emerged, looking at their former master with distaste and threat.... circling them slowly...

"She will draw her weapon!" Palpatine continued.

Rey took Luke's saber and ignited it...

"She will come to me..."

Ben and Y/n both started fighting with the Knights, but since Ben only had a blaster which is not much use to them, he was knocked down almost immediately...

You're My Light (Star Wars Fanfic: Poe Dameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now