He's Back

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BB-8 was the first to drop to the floor, hitting the ground with a thud. His master not too long after him. Poe stood up,

"Y/n!? Rey?! Fin?!" He called, turning on his torch.

"You didn't say my name, sir. But I'm alright." C-3PO said.

Poe heard groans of pain and sand falling from the ceiling, so he stood under it. Rey fell from the ceiling and he caught her, softening the landing.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. Where's Finn?" She asked.

"Where's Y/n and Chewie?"

The Wookie in question fell from the ceiling, growling in pain.

"I'm good!" Finn emerged from the side too.

"Y/n!!" Poe called desperately.

More sand started falling from the ceiling, and Y/n started falling. He pulled her down from the hole, and held her in his arms.

"I've got you." He said "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, are you?" She asked out of breath, and he nodded, setting her down "What is this place?"

"This isn't the afterlife, is it? Are droid allowed here?" Threepio questioned.

"I thought we were gonners." Poe said as the four of them huddled.

"We might still be!"

"Which way out?" Finn asked.

Rey and Y/n ignited their sabers, lighting the tunnels they were in. Poe turned on his torch too... but it didn't do as much as the sabers. They started walking through the tunnels,

"So what was it?" Rey asked Finn.


"What you were going to tell me."


"When you were sinking in the sand, you said 'I never told you...'"

"I'll tell you later." He responded.

"You mean when Poe's not here?" Poe asked.

"And Y/n's not listening?" Y/n asked.

"Yeah, mhm." Finn nodded.

"We're all gonna die in sand burrows and we're all keeping secrets." Poe pointed out, unimpressed.

"I'll tell you when you tell us all that shifty stuff you do."

Chewie growled in agreement.

"I do not wanna know what made these tunnels." Poe said.

"Judging by the circumference of the tunnel walls, there are-"

"I said I do not wanna know. Not."

"What's that?" Y/n lit up a machine that was to the left of them all with her saber.

"Is that a speeder?" Finn asked.

"An old one." Rey confirmed.

"Perhaps we will find the driver." Threepio said.

BB-8 beeped.

"Yeah, BB-8, I think dead too." Poe responded.

"Oh my! A hex-charm."

"A what?"

"A common emblem of Sith loyalists."

"Sith... this was Ochi's." Y/n figured out.

"Luke sensed it, Ochi never left this place." Rey explained.

"And he ended up down here." Finn said.

"He was headed for his ship, same thing that happened to us happened to him." Poe said.

You're My Light (Star Wars Fanfic: Poe Dameron x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now