Ooarai Planning against Anzio High

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After that the debacle of Miho got recognized by the students looking for new tanks along with the Anzio High trying to get new tanks because of Ooarai's Match previously against Saunders. They have gone back to the Ooarai School Ship and this incident became a news headline for the Sensha-Do Community.

In Saunders,

Kay, Alisa and Naomi are talking each other until they saw the news of Miho Nishizumi and a video of her flaring up.

Kay saw Miho getting swarmed by the masses an questioning her about on how to improve and increase their fighting chance against the Manor Teams or other Sensha-Do Teams. And in this, Kay was laughing too damn hard because of these developments.

Kay:Oh that's kinda funny and suck it Miho! Feel my pain!

Naomi:Would you give some Sympathy with her?

Kay:Nah, let her deal with this.

Alisa got quiet but she is thankful that she managed to feel what they have felt through the swarms of Reporters.

They saw the declaration of challenge by Anzio and they got intrigued.

Kay:Huh, now I wonder what would the battle come out as the conclusion.

Naomi:Considering of how the way things are now because of that damn match which I don't like to remember. Now it's pretty foggy because Anzio might follow Ooarai's Footsteps.

Alisa:This is going to be awkward of an battle.


She shrugged while at saying this.

In an unknown school.

Darjeeling have gone to the unknown school which has Red Background and emulating the Sickle and Hammer kind of design but using School Supplies to mimic the design. This school is Pravda High School, it's traditions are about the Soviet Union and emulating them.

Darjeeling and Orange Pekoe as her confidante met with the Commander of Pravda. Katyusha and with her assistant Nonna.

Noona is the tallest whilst Katyusha is the smallest in the shed.

Katyusha led them to a room and Nonna prepared for Tea. After a few minutes, Nonna delivered the tea.


The St.Gloriana Students obliged and so Nonna had put tea in their cups.

Darjeeling:Have you heard the recent news?

Katyusha:No, because I was busy to be ready for our another Championship and I have no need of getting worried of people especially when we won the Championship.

Darjeeling:Then have you heard that Saunders got defeated by Ooarai?

Katyusha:That was just a fluke by a No-Name School! They don't deserve to be doing Sensha-Do!

Nonna:But Katyusha, they have an Nishizumi within them.

Katyusha:What!? Maho Nishizumi?

Nonna:No, it's Miho Nishizumi.

Katyusha sighed at this comment.

Katyusha:Heh, we could defeat her again.

Darjeeling:Oh, I'm not too sure about that.

Katyusha:Why? We have already defeated from the last tournament. It's not like she could change kn how she fights.

Darjeeling:I wouldn't bet on that either Katyusha.

Darjeeling have sip her tea

Orange Pekoe:Do you know the reason why other schools are starting to change their kind fighting style in Sensha-Do to the point that they almost felt the same people in terms of fighting against anyone in the matches?

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