Chapter 22 - First Mission (5)

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“Don’t kill him! Subdue him!”

Even as the sword entered my abdomen, I gritted my teeth and shouted.

Denif’s sword was already behind Demit’s neck.

Damn it. Was I a beat too late?

However, Denif swiftly displayed his agility and twisted his wrist. Instead of the blade, the flat side of the sword struck Demit’s head.


Demit’s neck snapped, and his face tilted to the side. But Denif didn’t stop there.

After executing a forearm strike to Demit’s temple, Denif threw the sword aside and struck the back of Demit’s head with the heel of his hand.


Demit groaned and collapsed. It was certainly intended to knock him out, but…

There was quite a bit of emotion behind that action.

In any case, as Demit fell, the sword lodged in my abdomen was pulled out.

As I leaned over, the wound widened slightly. I placed my hand on my abdomen, grimacing.

It was the first time I had been stabbed with a blade. The pierced area throbbed with a searing pain. It felt like my head was spinning.

Think calmly. It was not an immediate life-threatening situation.


Orhen grabbed hold of me, shouting in alarm. Concern was evident in her widened eyes.

But there was a more pressing issue than that now.

“I’m fine, just a moment.”

I lightly patted Orhen’s hand, passing by her with her mouth agape.

Did I bleed more than I thought? My steps felt heavy.

Denif, who had been observing Demit with a determined gaze, turned his attention to me.

“Why not kill him… Wait, are you okay?”

Slightly belatedly, Denif rushed towards me in surprise. I touched my abdomen, grimacing.

I nodded lightly and leaned on Denif’s shoulder, exerting some strength.

“But more importantly, there’s something about this guy.”

And then, I knelt beside Demit’s face, putting my hand over his mouth.

I had learned the basic methods of capturing prisoners in our line of work. First, the oral cavity needed to be examined.

“Just as I suspected.”

Something was caught on my fingertips. There was a pill inside his gums that needed to be chewed to be broken.

I took it out and handed it to Denif.

“Look at this.”

“What is this? Wow, how did you know?”

“I’ll explain later.”

I roughly tore open Demit’s clothing with a dagger and forcefully placed the pill into his mouth to prevent him from committing suicide.

Contrary to the widespread misconception, biting the tongue wouldn’t lead to death, but interrogation was necessary.

Afterward, I instructed Denif to tie up his hands and feet.

After dealing with it haphazardly, I felt a sudden release of tension, or perhaps the injuries were more severe than I thought, and my body lost its strength.

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