Chapter 13 - The Best Condition (3)

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Chapter 13 - The Best Condition (3)

“I guess he’s surprised.”

Marhan, who had looked surprised, now seemed deeply lost in thought, a sight I had never seen before.

He was always composed and collected.

Well, even I had to admit that I was definitely special today.

When I thought about following the instruction, my body successfully replicated it without a single error.

Compared to the immaturity I felt when I first arrived here and faced the duke, I was at an entirely different level.

Of course, apart from the basics, all I had learned was Haisen’s swordsmanship.

But even if Haisen’s swordsmanship was something ordinary soldiers learned, it was by no means simple.

I knew it was because of the penalty trait Worst Condition, but Marhan didn’t know about it, so he could think that way.

In reality, I was also surprised by what I could do.

Still, I couldn’t say anything, so I had no choice but to wait.

‘Perhaps he might really find a solution.’

Penalty traits and high-ranking traits didn’t always persist. They could disappear due to special circumstances.

For example, in the case of Mysophobia, after being confined in a filthy underground prison, the usual mental state deteriorates, leading to suicide.

However, there were cases where Mysophobia broke through the low probability and disappears.

Survival instincts overcome the penalty trait.

Of course, if we considered it in real life, it was hard to understand. But since it was a game, one could think like that.

There was a slight sense of regret. Mohen should have been here on a day like this.

If that were the case, wouldn’t he have kept quiet, just like he did with Denif?


Marhan’s voice brought me out of my reverie. Denif and Boutreaux, who had been moving vigorously, walked straight towards us.

Boutreaux shrugged his shoulders.

“What’s the matter?”

“I think we should have a sparring session.”


Boutreaux couldn’t hide his surprise and asked again, quickly correcting his expression.

“Oh, yes.”

It was a statement that would startle even the undercover agent under the duke. I was equally taken aback.

Suddenly, a sparring session with Denif? I had just picked up a sword today.

Denif also widened his eyes. Not questioning separately was due to the absolute authority of Marhan’s orders in this place.

Marhan made a comment to Denif, who was walking steadily.

“Since it’s Carlyn’s first time, use the wooden sword.”


Denif responded and switched to a wooden sword, taking his position. I also took notice and stood in front of Denif with a wooden sword in hand.

The situation was unfolding rapidly.

‘I’ve only learned the basic swordsmanship and Haisen’s swordsmanship.’

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