26: Crisp Air

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up the next morning was just how crisp the air was. Most of the days up until now were on the verge of being unbearably hot. Today was the opposite. I liked having tea on days like this, it's just that Joo Dee never bothered to include tea with our meal deliveries.

I decided it was time to try out the places around us. Ba Sing Se was full of nice establishments and events. Perhaps I could go looking around. Maybe there would be a tea place nearby.

I let the others know I was going out. Usually, they'd come with. I suppose today just wasn't a going-out day for them. Sokka told me to be back by noon because he had a plan he wanted to discuss. One to help spread the word about getting Appa back.

That outdoor air satisfyingly filled my lungs the moment I stepped outside. I strolled down the streets. It had been a while since I explored places alone. I love being with Aang and the others, but sometimes solitude can be relaxing.

We lived in the upper ring of the city, and I wasn't really keen on visiting a high-end tea place. I imagined it would be filled with pretentious people demanding only the finest tea. I decided instead to take a train over to the lower ring.

Others must've had the same idea I did — regarding going out on a crisp-aired day — seeing as there were a lot of civilians bustling about in the lower ring. I could've sworn at least half of them were talking about a tea shop that had recently gotten ten thousand times better. Some talked about how they wished the teamaker had been hired sooner, some talked about how there had been a fight there recently, and a group of three teenage girls squealed to themselves about how hot the new waiter was and how they wished someone would challenge the waiter to a fight again so that they could see him win again.

I approached them. I was far too intrigued in this shop now and I wanted to visit it.

I tapped one on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me, forgive me for overhearing your conversation and intruding, but where is that tea shop you were talking about?"

Their jaws dropped as they just stared at my forehead.

"Oh my— you're the Avatar!" One said.

"Oh. Yeah. I am." I replied. I always forget how big of a deal my title is. "The shop...?"

"Right over there." One said, her jaw still slackened as she pointed out a slightly run-down shop across the street. I thanked them and headed on over. I took note of the sign outside that read, "Tea of the Day: Jasmine. Only 3 copper pieces!" as I entered.

The shop itself was pretty small. It had two rows of tables on each side of the room, one had four tables while the other only had three. At the back was a counter where people paid for their beverages.

A shit-eating grin spread across my face the moment I laid eyes on the only two workers there. Specifically the waiter. After all, today would definitely be the highlight of my week. Nothing beats seeing Zuko in an apron cleaning teacups. The little bell above the door had rung when I walked in, so I sat down at a table on the right side of the restaurant, knowing I'd be attended to soon enough.

I simply couldn't wipe the smile off my face as he approached me. He hadn't yet taken notice of who I was because he was busy flipping through his little notepad for a blank page.

"What can I get for you?" He asked, still not looking at me while he looked in his pockets for a pen.

"One jasmine tea, please." I stated.

His eyes darted right up the moment I spoke.

"You." He growled.

"Me." I laughed.

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