5: Katara of the Southern Water Tribe

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"So if the other Avatar is your best friend, do you know where he is?" Suki asked me.

We were lounging at a bridge. She was on break for the next few minutes.

"I don't. He ran away without telling me. He'll definitely show up here eventually, though." I replied.

"How do you know?"

"The elephant koi. He's gonna come try to ride them."

"He's gonna try to ride them?! But he could die! They hate when people try to come near them, let alone touch them."

"Yeah but Aang never really had that sense of self preservation."

"When do you think he'll be here?"

"Eh, well... Considering the fact that he couldn't have gotten too far that night and that he woke up at the same time as me, I'd say he'd be here any day now."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Well, he's already visited the Southern Temple. He found our teacher's remains and was so devastated he entered the Avatar State."

"Y/n, how do you just know these kinds of things? Can you just see into his head?"

"Hmm... more or less."


"If one of us enters the Avatar State alone, the other involuntarily enters the spirit world. From there, I can kind of sense glimpses of his situation if I meditate."

"When did this happen? We're together all the time. I think I would've seen you enter a second dimension."

"It happened while you were at practice. I was there with you but I left to get a snack of papaya. I just kinda... flopped onto the floor in that path in the sequoia grove for a couple of minutes."

"And no one came by?"

"Miraculously, no."

Then, one of the Kyoshi Warriors came running to us.

"Suki! We must hurry to the shore. An intruder has drawn the attention of the unagi!"

"Oh, speak of the devil. Ten copper pieces says that's Aang." I bet Suki.

"You're on. You coming?" She replied.

I took a second to think. I don't think I'm ready to see Aang again. Not after he broke our promise. I need some time before I interact with him.

"No, you go on ahead. Pretend you don't know me." I told Suki and they bolted in the direction of the unagi's shore.

- - -

Soon enough, the island was filled with rejoice. The citizens cleaned up the streets and the statue of Avatar Kyoshi in his honour. Aang and the friends he supposedly made in the few weeks we've been awake were given the nicest room in the inn to stay at, and the people made them many deserts and snacks as an offering to the great Avatar that had returned.

Spirits, it made me so jealous to see all the nice treatment he's gotten. Yeah, I couldn't be more grateful for how Suki and her mom had given me shelter, food, and friendship, but he even had a little group of fangirls who squealed outside his window! I saw them as I walked by while running some errands for Suki's mom. He was so focused on them that he didn't even notice his lifelong friend walk past him.

Granted, if I had told the people of the island who I really was, I'd've gotten the same treatment. But I know for sure that it will be only a matter of time before Fire Nation troops are on the shore.

Over the next few hours, I watched Aang be fawned over by the local young girls. They chased him, they tried to get a portrait of all of them with him, and they watched him do no-handed push-ups. Those were so easy for any airbender! Little airbender boys learn that move to impress girls at the age of six or so.

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