23: Ba Sing Se

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As soon as the ferry started letting the passengers out, I managed to escape Zuko's line of sight and blend in with the crowd well enough that I made it to the entrances free of the two fugitives. The ticket and passport checker almost didn't let me through into the city's train station because I didn't have a passport. Even if she was less crabby than the ticket lady at Full Moon Bay, I still had to put on an extensive display of my airbending, earthbending, and the smallest amount of firebending to prove I was an Avatar. Several minutes later and after she consulted with her superiors — who made me redo the bending demonstration all over again — I was let in. So, with Momo curiously looking around with me on my shoulder, we tried to find Aang and the others.

Twenty minutes of scouring proved unsuccessful. I thought maybe Momo could help me find them.

"Okay, Momo. Do you think you could pick up Aang's scent and find him?" I asked him. I was met with a confused head-tilt.

I pushed my hair back and pointed at my arrow. "Aang. Like me but bald and nicer. Can you find him?"

Momo chirped at me and looked around. Finally, he took flight. I hastily followed after him on an air scooter. Strangely, Momo never headed deeper into the city. He flew along the outer wall at increasing speeds. Then he started going higher up the wall — which took a while considering its behemoth size — and finally over the battlements. I was starting to hear a commotion and rumbling.

Momo didn't stop there. He flew over the wall and to the other side, then paused, looking back at me. I raced to the battlements facing the outside of the city, shoving a soldier out of the way. Why weren't they in Ba Sing Se yet? What was going on? Were they okay? Was Aang okay?

I dissipated my air scooter and wedged myself between two soldiers that were shooting boulders over the wall. Momo perched himself on my shoulder as I peered over the edge. I was met with an unbelievable sight: a ginormous, metallic, horizontally cylindrical drill branded with the Fire Nation emblem was eating its way through the great outer wall of Ba Sing Se.

My eyes frantically searched every aspect of the drill for those familiar yellow pants, but all I could make out from that height were bright blue whooshes, seemingly fire. I was reminded of that Fire Nation princess I helped my friends fight right before I joined the group. Then I realized, it was that girl. I told Momo to get out of there for the time being.

I had to squint and lean over the edge to watch as the princess walked right up to where the drill met the wall. She grabbed something and held it up against the wall. It took all of three milliseconds for me to recognize that shaved, tattooed head, and another second for my body to react.

I threw myself off the wall, accelerating my descent with airbending. Aang was delirious, or else he would be resisting. The girl held him up against the bricks with her left hand while the other generated a blue fireball.

My right foot connected with her left bicep, and I felt her bone snap cleanly in two under the force. She stumbled and released Aang, letting out a pained cry. I kicked a gust of wind at her and sent her flying back a good distance. Adrenaline was keeping me from feeling any pain.

Then I immediately turned to Aang and helped him stand. He quickly recovered his energy.

"Y/n!" He exclaimed ecstatically, "You're here!"

"You didn't think you'd get all the credit for taking down this nuisance of a drill, right?" I teased lightheartedly.

"Of course not. I was totally stalling the fight until you got here."

"Sure, of course. You stalled so well that you got knocked out."

"Where's Momo? Is he okay?"

"Don't worry about him. He's safe."

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