1: The Ambush

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"First you form a ball." Aang — my best friend — instructed. We bent the air around us and each forged a large swirling ball of wind.

"Then you have to get on quick!" I completed. We hopped on just as I said.

We cheered as we zipped around the courtyard on the air scooters we made. The air ball dissipated because we deactivated the move. We were trying to teach the other airbenders how to do it.

It had been only minutes ago that we finished getting our tattoos for mastering airbending. We were the youngest to do so in Air Nomad history. It was such a surreal experience.

It surprisingly didn't take as long as it should have to create a new skill. In fact, we were only joking around in a smaller, more secluded courtyard when we were found by Monk Gyatso. He then informed us that what we were doing was completely unheard of.

I had to shave off all my hair when I got the tattoos, but Monk Gyatso assured me it would grow back soon. Hair is believed to be a symbol of renunciation of worldly ego and fashion by the monks, but for some reason that hasn't yet been explained to me, all the female nomads I've met have hair.

A clean shave also aids in being more sensitive to air currents. It can improve your reaction time if you can feel things coming at you from behind. Aang likes it, but I didn't like the new textures I could feel with a bare head so I knew I was going to grow all my hair back as soon as I could.

One taller kid had gotten the ball shape and tried to get on, but had tumbled to the ground immediately.

"You kinda have to balance on it like it's a top." Aang explained.

"Man, that's hard..." the tall kid complained while rubbing his head which he'd scuffed.

"Y/n! Y/n!," a smaller boy tugged at the hem of my traditional airbender clothes and asked me, "Where'd you guys learn that trick?"

"Aang and I made it up." I replied.

"Woowwww!!!" He chirped.

We watched the other kids try before we heard our names being called by the monks. It was rather unexpected.

They called out, "Aang, Y/n, come with us. We need to speak with you."

We looked behind us to see Gyatso and some of the older monks at the staircase, grim expressions on their faces.

"Do you think we're in trouble?" I whispered to Aang.

"I hope not..." Aang whispered back.

They gestured for us to go with them so we followed the monks to a large chamber. They all sat in a row, Aang and I sat a few feet away before them.

"Children, do you remember these?" The one with the magnificent set of eyebrows asked, airbending a padded scroll our way.

The scroll unrolled once it gently plopped onto the floor. Four toys lay inside, having been neatly and carefully stored inside. A wave of nostalgia hit the both of us when we set our eyes on them.

"Those were some of our favourite toys when we were little!" Aang said, picking one up. We have been friends since birth.

"They are, sure, but what's that gotta do with anything?" I asked, a little sceptical as to why we were in a meeting with some of the most revered airbenders in our nation if it was just to talk about toys.

"It has to do with everything. You two chose them from among a thousand toys. The ones you picked were the four Avatar relics. These items belonged to Avatars past. Your own past lives." The eyebrow monk explained. Now, that left us both confused.

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