4: First Ally

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I walked down the streets of Kyoshi Island. Some citizens noticed me and looked at me confusedly, wondering if they knew who I was since I wore their traditional clothes, but most of them didn't even notice me.

I asked one of the civilians where the Kyoshi Warriors' training building was and they pointed me towards it. I thanked them then made my way there, knocking on the door frame since the door was already open.

"'Sup." I said.

I spotted Suki — who was leading some ten or twenty other Warriors in a synchronised pattern — breaking her stance and standing, smiling.

"Hey." She greeted, "Girls, this is Yeniu. She is new to the village, but I will be helping her for the time being. I gotta go show her around, so who wants to lead today's practice?"

Nearly all of them raised their hands.

"Alright, Xiuying, You lead. Everyone listen to Xiuying." Suki selected, then turned to me, "Let's go?"

"Sure. Don't you want to change out of the uniform?" I said.

"Well, I'm still technically on the clock. You never know when the enemy may attack." Suki said.

We walked out of the training centre and she gave me a tour of the island. The fruit-seller lady at the market took a liking to me because I helped her push her cart's wheel out of a hole and to her stand. We paid a visit to the statue of Kyoshi — which had yet to be cleaned for the last several years — and though I couldn't tell Suki, I silently admired how much my past life had achieved. She then showed me the beach she found me on, and how lucky I had been for the unagi to not have tried to eat me. By now it was starting to get late. The sun was beginning to set.

She took me back to her house and introduced me to her family. Her mom was so welcoming and kind, especially once she spotted the scar on my hand.

I spent a few weeks on Kyoshi Island. The town was closely knit and they got used to me after two or three days. During the weeks I spent there, I nearly forgot all about the war and being the Avatar. Even though I hadn't really experienced the war in this time period, the island was a safe sanctuary for me. It was as if I was living a normal life. As if I had never gone through what I did a century ago.

My days there were pretty calm and refreshing. I mostly helped Suki's mom with chores and such. If I had time, I'd go watch the Warriors' practice. Today was one of those days. And after their practice, Suki was on patrol with a group of other girls. They were all spread out around the island. I had found Suki on my way back to her house and so I decided to walk with her. She knew I was capable of fighting so she saw it wouldn't be a problem if something happened.

I began to think, I needed someone I could trust. And Suki was right there with me. If I told her who I really was, there were two ways this could go; wonderfully well or horribly wrong. The specifics are under a vast umbrella of possibilities. Maybe I could test the waters.

"Suki, what do you think of the Avatars?" I asked as we walked down an empty street.

"What do you mean?" She replied.

"The last 'Avatar' to be born was said to have been two Avatars rather than one. And yet, with two whole people meant to keep peace, the Fire Nation has prevailed. Do you think they failed?"

"Well I wasn't there when the war first began. I don't know what happened. Yes, somehow they failed to stop the Fire Nation and now we have been at war for one hundred years. But I don't know all the details. How was the military of a nation as large and vast as the Air Nomads unable to put a stop to the Fire Nation?"

"We were ambushed."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry, Suki. I shouldn't have lied to you."

Suki turned to look at me, concerned and confused.

"I want to tell someone everything, but I dont know who. I've only known you for a day. I don't know who is trustworthy.

"Yeniu, what're you saying?"

"Can I trust you?"

"Of course you can." She said hesitantly. "We've only known each other for a short amount of time but we are already good friends. I'm know you're a good person."

"Okay. I'm... not from the Earth Kingdom. In fact, my home is nowhere near the Earth Nation."

Suki tensed up.

"Don't tell me you're from the Fire Nation." She said, stopping in her tracks.

"No! No, I'm not. I'm... an airbender."

"An airbender? But they went extinct a hundred years ago."

"Not the last two, the Avatars. Or else you would've seen them reincarnated in the Water Tribe."

"So, what? You're saying you're a descendant of the Avatars?"


"No— then what?" Suki paused, then gasped and said, "You're an Avatar?"

"Um, yes. I am."

Suki looked shocked as she looked me up and down and then her face morphed into that of extreme amusement. She let out a muffled laugh.

"You? An Avatar? One of the last airbenders? You've gotta be kidding me! Hahahaha!!" She exclaimed.

"What, you don't believe me?" I demanded.

"No, I really don't. The Avatars were born over a hundred years ago. You are not a hundred twelve years old."

"Where do you think I got this scar, huh? How do you think I got on this island without a boat?"


"The other Avatar's name is Aang. We have been best friends since birth. We were also only twelve years old when we were told of our destinies. The normal age is sixteen. The monks caught wind of the Fire Nation's plans to start a war for world domination, but didn't know they would try to eradicate us in the middle of the night."

Suki was silent. I could tell she was still finding everything hard to believe.

"Aang ran away the night before they ambushed us, Suki. He never found out about the attack. It was me; a twelve-year-old unrealized Avatar, against an entire army. In the end, I had to lock myself in the Sanctuary where life doesn't age so that I could live to fight another day. The day you found me was the day I woke up."

"Yeniu, I... I don't know what to say. All of these things you're saying, this is serious stuff. You can't be lying about this. Prove it. Show me you can airbend."

I held out my staff. So far, this was just a stick to her. I bent the wind through it so that it's wings opened. Suki jumped back, startled.

"Relax, it's just my glider."

"And what does an airbender do with a glider?"


I took off into the air as soon as those words left my mouth. I didn't try to be fancy or anything, just a quick demonstration of basic gliding. I landed and I looked at Suki. There was no hate or repulsion in her expression, only shock. Then she did something that took me by surprise. She knelt on one knee, bowing her head.

"As a Kyoshi Warrior; defender of a town founded by Avatar Kyoshi herself, it is a great honour to be in your presence, Avatar Yeniu."

"What? Nononono, it's okay, no need for you to bow, you're my friend, Suki." I pulled her up then said, "But also, my name isn't Yeniu."


"It's Y/n. Avatar Y/n. Yeniu was my bison. I lost her the day the Fire Nation ambushed us and hers was the first name that came to mind when you were stabbing your knee into my spine." I chuckled.

"You are just... one surprise after another, aren't you?"

"Maybe. Just don't tell anyone who I am just yet. It might attract unwanted attention from the Fire Nation."

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