From Bad to worst

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Wolf did the lion tamer act with Alex, who was annoyed.

Wolf lifts the stool to face Alex, he pretends to snarl at him, the crowed roars in excitement.

"Do we really need to do this?" Alex groans.

"Come on, I always wanted to try this, now roar" wolf says.

Using the whip and chair to push Alex back in his cage, everyone cheered as wolf bows, Alex rolled his eyes and left the cage.

"Thank you everyone, now welcoming back an old sensation, I give you the one...the only....VITALY THE TIGER!"

So back at the stage, after a big failure of using olive oil being extra flammable from the past, Vitaly is preparing to use hair conditioner to find out that it will be fireproof to avoid his same fate.

"Light the hoop on fire!" Stefano uses the same small hoop from those years ago.

Vitaly stares at the ring as he felt Angelina's presence then he ran towards the ring doing some flips, everyone was getting anxious.

"Mamma mia, Santa Maria, Santa Maria... Mamma Maria, mia Santa, Santa Mia Farrow..." Stefano prayed.

"Come on, you got it" Alex muttered and wolf takes princess hand in his.

Vitaly closed his eyes as he went through. Then the audience applauded. Even the promoter was impressed. Vitaly opened his eyes to see that he made it through without being burned.

"Yeah!" The audience cheered.

"Yes!" Stefano applauded wildly while laughing.

"All right, what are you waiting for? We got a show to put on. Let's go. Go, go, go, go, go!"

"Come on let's go" wolf pats princess shoulders.

("Firework - Katy Perry" played)

The other animals and the gang get into their places to start the show.

Vitaly gets the pole to stab it to the ground that it lights up that it creates a big swirl of lights up around the stage and he moves the pole while the other end was on the ground to makes the swirl part moving up so high and big.


King Julian and Sonya appeared to ride through the audience area while on the motorcycle.

The puppies jumps and starts the rocket shoes and flies high to the swirl pathway.

And then, King Julian and Sonya jumps high with the motorcycle.

It was time for Alex, Gia, wolf and princess part of the show.

Princess looks down she was nervous at first to see how high she was but on the other side she saw wolf giving her a comforting smiled, then as Alex and Gia jumps, wolf and princess jumps to get to do the trapeze of the light up hoops and swinging brackets together.

The light up hoops fell to the ground and it was the monkeys turn.

While dressed up as the King of Versailles to play a circle shape piano keyboard while the right colors created the cannons.

As princess swings from a hoop to hoop, webs swings on her webbing and flies towards princess, they both high five.

It was Marty and Stefano and snake's turn to jumps out of the cannons and they up high one by one.

Melman and Gloria do their part of the show to dance on a lot on top of the of tie ropes.

Then snake gets shot and as princess lets go of the hoop, she jumps and snake wrapped himself around the hoop and princess.

THE BAD GUYS IN: Madagascar 3-Europe's most wanted Where stories live. Discover now