Convincing vitaly

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During the train ride, wolf sees princess playing with the other animals, then Alex approaches him, he sees wolf looking at princess.

"Nice kid, who is she? And more importantly where did she come from?" Alex asked.

"Oh we just..met her in Rome" wolf tries to cover up.

But Alex nodded suspiciously as he knew already and blurted out: "met? Or you kidnapped her, I know she is the girl from rome, how could you kidnap her" Alex scold him.

"Ok it's not bad, she wants us to hide her, she is trying to get away from her family" wolf says.

"You can't just bring a missing kid on board not when we're in the middle of something, we're sending her wolf" but wolf was threaten by Alex.

He pins him against the wall, with a deadly glare, "you threaten her, you threaten us too, so back off ok!"

He lets go and heads back to their cargo, where he sees princess with the others.

" we're almost you excited" wolf asked her.

"Yeah, it would be good to visit where I came from" princess says.

"You were born in London?" Wolf asked.

"Oh no, my father was but not me, but still, you're never too young or old to find out where you're from" princess says.

"Yeah, oh speaking of which we made you something" wolf snapped his fingers and she turns around to see shark holding a new acro leotard for her.

"Yeah, oh speaking of which we made you something" wolf snapped his fingers and she turns around to see shark holding a new acro leotard for her

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"Oh my, that's so sweet" she was in awed.

"We made this for you...for you know to wear for the show tomorrow" wolf says.

She takes the leotard then wolf pops the question, "so why don't you tell us more about the bruises" he asked and she jumps looking shocked.

"The what? What are you-" she tries to cover up but wolf could see right through her.

"We-we saw the bruises kid, on your wrist...what's the real reason you wanna run away? What happened?" He asked with a mixed of concerned.

Princess pulls on her sleeve to look at her bruises then she sighs.

"Ok fine, there is a reason I want to join the circus"

"What is it?" Wolf asked.

Princess looked around then pulled up her sleeves, "I'm trying to get away from my abusive father" she says.

They were all shocked and horrified, this kid abused from her own father.

"Your dad...abuses you?" But it was wolf who was horrified the most.

"Yeah ever since I was born, I guess he was still mad of me because my mother died, can't say I blame him" princess says.

"How did your mother died" wolf asked.

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