Fur power

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But the circus animals just complaint, vitaly threw daggers at him.

"I missed" he growled.

"Who do you think you are?!" Gia yelled.

"Off with your head!" King Julian shouts.

"Are you kidding? I'm gonna chew his leg off!" Jonesy one of the dogs shouts.

"Circus has been same for generations! We make good, classic family entertainment" vitaly says.

"Aha! But last few generations, families... not so entertained. Mmm.." Stefano says.

"That's right. Families not so entertained because you're just going through the motions out there. It's missing passion" alex says.

"How one to have passion for stool poked in face?" Vitaly asked.

"Exactly! And by stool you mean chair, right?" Marty corrected him.

"The fact is, you guys, you got stuck in a rut. You stopped pushing, you stopped taking risks. But those days are over. Because now we're going to completely change the show" Alex says.

"Then it wouldn't be a circus, would it?" A dog named Freddie says.

"Circus is not about the acts you do. Circus is in here" alex points to his heart.

"How comes Freddie gets all the circus?" Jonesy says then he gets punched.

"Circus is about following your passions, wherever they take you!" Alex says.

"Pftt. You cannot change circus. There is long tradition!" Vitaly says.

"That's what everybody thought, Vitaly, until those French Canadians came along, drunk off their maple syrup and cheap pharmaceuticals, and completely flipped the paradigm" alex says. "Now they play Vegas. Fifty shows a day in 52 separate venues. And one of them completely in the nude"

Soon the animals muttered, "Yeah, that's right. And you know how they did it?" Alex says.

"Take off their clothes?" Stefano says.

"No. They got rid of the animals" alex says.

"What?" Strand the other animals were in shocked.

"Say it ain't so!" Marty says for dramatic.

"Che stupida! No animals... How could they?!" Stefano says.

"Well, you know what I say to that! I say they can take the animals out of the circus, but they cannot take the animals out of the circus! I mean, they cannot... I think you understand what I'm saying!" Alex rallied them.

"Yeah!" One of them shouts.

"Yes!" Marty says.

"No!" King Julien says.

"We don't need humans because we've got passion. What does a human say when he's passionate? He says, "I'm an animal!" Well, we are animals!" So alex was getting to them.

"Yeah!" They cheered.

"We'll make an all-animal circus! Because if we follow our passion, we can go anywhere" alex says.

"Anywhere!" Marty repeated.

"We can do anything!" Alex says.

"Anything!" Marty repeated again.

"If we do it together!" Alex shouts.

"All of us!" Marty says.

Then the Circus Animals shout, "Yeah... Yeah, yeah!"

THE BAD GUYS IN: Madagascar 3-Europe's most wanted Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon