S01E06 - The Snake King

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Okay, so, I wanna apologize for not updating, its been hell of a month now. As from what I deliver last 2 months. It's been hell, I don't know if I could support lego from now.

But anyway, last month I wrote JJK fanfiction

(i have slowly becoming a Gojo fan and its been peaceful with my life. Except the fact that hes dead 😢)

Okay, im gonna talk as if I didn't just forgot this book existence in 2 months😔

How are you guys? Feeling well? I know that this month has been very painful for the students there, the events are horrible and if you are having any difficulties, please don't hesitate to seek help, online or offline!

For me too, I have been asked several times to make banners for my mother's activities to expand merchandise and make product designs💀💀

I hope you guys are always healthy, please don't stay up late because it's not good for your health. And always have breakfast in the morning, lunch, dinner, and so on.


In the scorching desert, Skales and Pythor toiled away, digging into the sand with frowns etched on their faces.

Skales, wiping sweat from his forehead, "We're wasting our time, Pythor. There's nothing here but sand and dust."

Pythor commanded, "Keep digging. The Lost City of Ouroboros is under us. I know it."

Skales was skeptical, he retorted, "Oh, face it, your first attempt to unite the tribes failed, and now that you have lost your flock, you've become desperate."

Pythor rolls his eyes in response, he replied "I am desperate, my disloyal number two, but only to bring our kind together so that we can unleash the Great Devourer."

Skales continue to give a remark, "You put too much faith in legends. Besides, all the Serpentine know is to be at war with one another." The arid wind carried their words away.

Pythor's triumphant laughter echoed as he discovered a hidden dial buried beneath the sand. Skales, looking unimpressed, watched as Pythor turned the dial, revealing the emergence of the once-lost city.

"What? You've found it?"

Pythor spoke with a theatrical flourish, declared, "Skales, I believe we've found it. Behold, the city formerly known as the Lost City of Ouroboros."

Skales remarked once again, "That's quite an intimate moment to share with me, considering."

Pythor as his patience waning, glared at Skales, "Skales, I'm gonna banish you if you continue to speak to me this way."

Skales, undeterred, wiped off invisible sweat from his forehead and added, "Also, where did you put the kid?"

Pythor was feigning innocence, questioned, "What kid?" The tension in the desert air thickened.

Skales furrowed his brow, he insisted, "You know, the kid with the green streak?"

Pythor replied, "I thought he was with you?"

Skales was now frustrated, retorted, "You know that kid was an important pawn!"

Pythor growing angrier, snapped, "You imbecile! I trusted you to keep that kid in a cage!"

In the shadows behind their wrangling army of snakes, a kid with a green streak tiptoed, evading their notice.

As the Destiny's Bounty gracefully glided through the skies, a peculiar sight unfolded. A Postman, atop a bicycle with makeshift wings, emerged from the clouds, clutching a parcel.

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